

2016-02-21  本文已影响45人  刘二傻


S:I didn't know, I noticed. You came up from Devon on the first train this morning. You had a disappointing breakfast and a black coffee. The girl across the aisle fancied you. Though initially keen, you've changed your mind. You are anxious to have your first cigarette of the day. Sit down, Mr Knight, and do please smoke. I'd be delighted.我不知道,我观察到的。你今早从德文郡搭首班列车来的,你吃了糟糕的早餐,喝了黑咖啡。对面走道的女孩看上你了,原本很乐意来往,但你改了主意。你急着想抽今天的第一根烟,坐下,奈特先生,随便抽吧。我很乐意的。

H:How on Earth did you notice all that?你到底是怎么观察到这些的?

S:It's not important...Punched out holes where your ticket's been checked.这不重要...身上有车票打孔的碎屑。

W:Not now.不用现在说吧。

S:I've been cooped-up for ages!拜托,我都憋了好久了。

W:You're showing off.你这是炫耀。

S:I am a show-off,that's what we do. Train napkin you used to mop up the spilled coffee. Strengthof the stain shows that you didn't take milk. There are traces of ketchup on itand on your lips and sleeve. Cooked breakfast, or the nearest thing thosetrains manage. Probably sandwich. 我这人就是爱炫耀,这是我们的专业水平。火车上的餐巾纸,擦过洒的咖啡,污渍颜色深,说明你没加牛奶,番茄酱的痕迹,餐巾纸,嘴边,袖口都有,自己做的早餐或列车上充数的,大概是三明治。

H:How did you know it was disappointing?你怎么知道不好吃呢?

S:Is there any other type of breakfast on a train? The girl. Female handwriting's distinctive, wrote her number on the napkin. I can tell from the angle she wrote at that she was sat across from you. After she got off, I imagine you used the napkin to mop up your spilled coffee, accidentally smudging the numbers. You've been over the last four digits in another pen, so you wanted to keep the number. You used the napkin to blow your nose, so you're not that into her after all.火车上能有好吃的吗?那个女孩女性的笔迹很好认,餐巾纸上有她的手机号,写字角度上看,她是坐在过道对面,她起身走人后,你用那张纸擦了洒掉的咖啡,不小心洇了号码,你用另一支笔描过后四位数想留住这号码,你用那张餐巾纸擤了鼻涕,说到底你也不那么喜欢她。

S:Then there's the nicotine stains on your shaking fingers. I know the signs. No chance to smoke when on the train, no time to roll one before you got a cab here. It's just after 9.15, you're desperate. The first train from Exeter to London leaves at 5.46am. You got the first one, so something important must have happened last night. Am I wrong?你颤抖的手指上有尼古丁痕迹,这种迹象我最懂了,在火车上不许吸烟,在出租车上没空卷烟,现在才早上九点一刻,你很急切,从艾克赛特到伦敦第一班车5:46出发,你赶上了第一班车,说明昨晚一定发生了重要的事,我说错了么?

H:No. You're right. You'recompletely, exactly right. Bloody hell, I heard you were quick.没有,你说对了。全对,完全准确。我就听说你推理很快。

S:It's my job. Now shut up and smoke.这是我的工作,快闭嘴抽烟吧。

W:Henry, your parents both died and you were what, seven years old? I know, that... That must be quite a trauma. Now, have you ever thought that maybe you invented this story, this...to account for it?亨利你父母都去世时你才七岁?我知道,那...那肯定对你造成了很大伤害,你有没有想过可能是你自己幻想出了这个事件...来给自己一个理由?

H:That's what Dr Mortimer says.莫蒂默医生也是这么说的。


S:His therapist.他的心理医师。

H:My therapist.我的心理医师。


H:Louise Mortimer. She's the reason I came back to Dartmoor. She thinks I have to face my demons.露易丝·莫蒂默,因为她我才回到达特沼地,她建议我勇敢面对心中的恶魔。

S:What happened when you went back to Dewer's Hollow last night, Henry? You went there on the advice of your therapist and now you're consulting a detective. What did you see that changed everything?你昨晚回到达沃谷,发生了什么,亨利?你听取了心理医师的建议,现在却找侦探咨询,你看到了什么,改变了主意?

H:It's a strange place, the Hollow. It makes you feel so cold inside, so afraid.那谷是个很诡异的地方,让你的内心感到刺骨恶寒,心惊胆战。

S:Yes, if I wanted poetry, I'd read John's emails to his girlfriends, much funnier. What did you see?我要想读诗的话就去看约翰给女友们的邮件了有趣多了,你到底看到了什么?

H:Footprints. On the exact spot where I saw my father torn apart.脚印,就在我看着父亲被撕成碎片的地方。

W:Man's or a woman's?男人还是女人的?

H:Neither. They were...都不是,是...

S:Is that it? Nothing else? Footprints, is that all?就这而已?没别的只有脚印?

H:Yes. But they were...对,可它们很...

S:No! sorry DrMortimer wins. It's a childhood trauma masked by an invented memory. Boring.Goodbye, Mr Knight, thank you for smoking.停,莫蒂默医生赢了,就是童年阴影引起的记忆歪曲。无聊,拜拜,奈特先生,谢谢你的烟。

H:What about the footprints?脚印怎么说?

S:Oh, they're probably paw prints, could be anything, therefore nothing. Off to Devon with you and have a cream tea on me.多半是动物爪印,什么的都可能,,所以毫无意义。自己回德文郡去吧,来顿奶油茶点,算我请。

H:Mr Holmes, they were the footprints of a gigantic hound.福尔摩斯先生,是巨型猎犬的脚印。

S:Say that again.再说一遍。

H:I found footprints, they were big...我看到了脚印很大...

S:No, no, no, your exact words. Repeat your exact words from a moment ago, exactly as you said them.不不不,刚刚的原句,一字不差地重复一下你刚才的那句话。

H:Mr Holmes, they were the footprints of a gigantic hound.福尔摩斯先生,是巨型猎犬的脚印。

S:I'll take the case.这案子我接了。

H:Sorry, what?对不起,什么?

S:Thank you for bringing this to my attention, it's very promising.谢谢你提醒我这点,其中大有深意。

W:Sorry, what? Aminute ago, footprints were boring,nowthey're very promising?等等你说啥?刚才你还说脚印很无聊,转眼又有深意了?

S:It's got nothing to do with footprints, you weren't listening. Baskerville, heard of it?跟脚印毫无关系你根本没认真听,巴斯克维尔听说过么?

W:Vaguely. It's very hush-hush.大概吧,相当机密的地方。

S:Sounds like a good place to start.听着像是很好的着手点

H:You'll come down then?你会来调查啰?

S:I can't leave London at the moment, far too busy. But don't worry, I'm putting my best man onto it. I can always rely on John to send me the relevant data, as he never understands a word of it.不眼下我不能离开伦敦,太忙了,别担心,我会派我最优秀的人去,我总能依靠约翰把相关资料发给我,虽然他一个字都看不懂。

W:What are you talking about 'you are busy'? You don't have a case! You were complaining...瞎说什么"太忙"?你手头又没案子,刚还在抱怨...

S:I've got Bluebell! Thecase of the vanishing glow-in-the-dark rabbit. NATO's in uproar.我要找蓝铃花嘛,人间蒸发的夜光兔子,北约骚动了呢。

H:Oh, you're not coming, then?哦抱歉那你不来了?

S:I don't need those any more, I'm going to Dartmoor. You go on ahead, Henry, we'll follow later.不需要这个了,我要去达特沼地呢,你先走吧,亨利,我们跟上。

H:Sorry, so you are coming?抱歉,那你又要来啰?

S:20-year-olddisappearance, a monstrous hound? I wouldn't miss this for the world!失踪二十年,怪兽般的猎犬?我才不会错过呢。


