
2022-03-21  本文已影响0人  陈君3


Only in poor countries do people start businesses


狐狸先森几点钟 What time does the fox start

2022-02-22 14:53 The 2022-02-22 14:53

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And do you really think the money you borrowed to start a business is so easy to pay back?



Zhejiang is rich, but zhejiang is not stupid. Repayment, it doesn't mean that the debt disappears, it just goes from the money owed to the bank to the money owed to the government, and the government will get it back through a series of means, but also on the credit bureau, it says that you have a loan not paid.


It doesn't matter if you don't get the money back.




These hundreds of thousands are also spent out, as long as the social flow, it will produce several times the economic benefits, indirectly increase the tax revenue, the government does not lose. As for anyone trying to cheat the government out of its money, that is overthinking. Now the big data system is very scary, any money flow has traces, otherwise you think those anchors, stars pay taxes how to come?


As a matter of fact, the policy of "government compensation for entrepreneurial failure" was introduced as early as 2015.


The amount of government compensation is not very large, because not many people actually apply.

有本事创业的人,不缺这几十万,风投资金多得很,就看你有没有这本事拿。 People who have the ability to start a business, there is no shortage of this hundreds of thousands of venture capital funds, depending on whether you have this ability to take.

缺这几十万的,根本没创业的能力,自然申请不到这笔钱。 Lack this hundreds of thousands of, do not have entrepreneurial ability at all, nature applies for less than this money.



The phrase "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" is familiar to all of you. At the Summer Davos Forum in September 2014, Premier Li Keqiang said that a new wave of mass entrepreneurship and grassroots entrepreneurship should be launched on the land of 9.6 million square kilometers, and a new trend of mass innovation and innovation for all should be formed.

在我们印象里,好像一个国家创业的人越多,经济就越发达。 It seems to us that the more people start businesses in a country, the more developed its economy will be.

但现实,可能正好相反。 In reality, the opposite may be true.


Are poor countries poor because they lack entrepreneurship? Are poor people poor because they lack entrepreneurial opportunities?


Can a poor person's life be changed by giving them start-up money?


Is it a problem of money, people or social environment?

如果你要是去过很多地方旅游,穷国、富国都去过,应该能看到,实际上,更有创业精神的,恰恰是穷国人而不是富国人。 If you've been to a lot of places, both rich and poor, you'll see that, in fact, it's poor people who are more entrepreneurial than rich people.

穷国的大街上,遍布各种小商贩、小生意,叫卖各种稀奇古怪的东西。各种各样的服务,都有人抢着去干。 The streets of poor countries are full of small traders and businesses selling all kinds of strange things. All kinds of services, people are competing to do.


Did not go out a country also unimportant, see the circumstance of home to know, be western area especially much stall hawker, coastal developed city is much less obviously, this is not the reason that the city management of developed city is more fierce.


Cambodian boy learns 15 languages to sell souvenirs. Poor people don't work hard?

而富国呢?那就简单乏味得多了。在富国,大多数人都是上班族,老老实实地给老板打工。创业这事,困难、辛苦、且风险巨大,大多数人不愿意受这个累。 What about rich countries? That would be much more simple and boring. In rich countries, most people are salarymen, working honestly for their bosses. Starting a business is difficult, laborious, and risky, and most people don't want to suffer from it.

踏踏实实地按月领工资,不好吗?这就是富国的现实。 Get your salary by the month, isn't it? This is the reality of the rich world.


This is also borne out by empirical data. In poor countries, many people are farmers, and farmers themselves are small operators who have to handle everything from production to transport to storage to sales. So a farmer is actually a small entrepreneur.


Even if you do not count farmers but only non-agricultural workers, in most developing countries 30-50% of the population is self-employed, that is, entrepreneurs.

而且,越穷,这个比例越高。加纳是67%,孟加拉是75%,贝宁甚至高达88%。 And the poorer they are, the higher the percentage. It is 67% in Ghana, 75% in Bangladesh and 88% in Benin.

一个将近9成人都创业的国家,总不能说还缺乏创业精神吧。 In a country where nearly 90 percent of people start businesses, it is hard to say that there is a lack of entrepreneurial spirit.


In a poor country like Cambodia, the scenic spots are full of kids selling souvenirs. It's really a national enterprise


Look at the figures for the developed world. Americans are said to be entrepreneurial, but only 7.5 percent of the non-farm labor force in the United States is self-employed, compared with 8.6 percent in France and 6.7 percent in Norway. The average in developed countries is 12.8%.

美国人的创业精神在发达国家中低于平均值。看来,美国人并不是那么爱创业,他们更爱找个公司去上班。 American entrepreneurship is below average in the developed world. Americans, it seems, are not so entrepreneurial. They prefer to find a company to work for.


In other words, a person born in a poor country has a much better chance of becoming a self-employed entrepreneur than one born in a rich country.


But what are the results? No matter how entrepreneurial they are, they struggle through thick and thin, only to find poverty.


You never know how hard families in poor countries work to get by



So on that basis, you can add a little bit of microcredit to help poor people start small businesses. Do you think that will help?

富国的人们,按部就班地上学、毕业,加入公司,在老板的指挥下循规蹈矩地工作,既不需要冒着风险去创业,也不需要独自面对种种艰难险阻,就能有多得多的收入,享受高得多的生活水平。 People in rich countries can earn much more and enjoy a much higher standard of living by going to school, graduating, joining a company and doing what bosses tell them to do, without having to take risks to start a business or face hardships alone.

而全民创业的穷国的人们,哪怕用上吃奶的劲,变着花样做生意,也难过好日子。 And people in poor countries where all people start their own businesses, even if they try their best to do business in different ways, are also unhappy with good times.


At this point, do we have a misunderstanding about entrepreneurship?


Yes, there was a misunderstanding. We exaggerate the role of individual entrepreneurship.

相比个体的创业精神,通过有效的组织和制度把人们的个体努力整合起来,形成强大的集团能力,才是一个国家真正的致富之道。 Compared with individual entrepreneurship, the only way for a country to become rich is to integrate people's individual efforts through effective organizations and institutions to form powerful group capabilities.

为什么呢?因为这就是公司的力量,大公司的生产效率比一个个个体户高多了,国家致富要靠世界五百强的企业,而不是遍地的小作坊。 Why is that? Because this is the power of the company, the production efficiency of large companies is much higher than that of individual enterprises, the country depends on the fortune 500 enterprises, not small workshops everywhere.


A fortune 500 company can generate more economic returns than a small poor country


Entrepreneurship for all cannot turn poor countries into rich ones. Only by establishing large and competitive companies in which the majority of people can give full play to their strengths and get rich labor benefits is the right way to achieve common prosperity.

本文由 狐狸先森几点钟 原创,欢迎关注,带你一起长知识

This article by fox sen several o 'clock original, welcome to pay attention to, take you with long knowledge


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