
2017-09-26  本文已影响124人  西区电台

也许出乎意料,不过博尔赫斯确实成名很晚。1961年,博尔赫斯获得福明托文学奖(Prix Formentor)后才广为人知,那时文豪已经六十多了。前时说到约瑟夫·布罗茨基的爱情诗《On Love》,顺便提到博尔赫斯的《Parting》,当时说过,要说写诗,博尔赫斯的诗歌也许更能引经据典,背后的故事也许更多,但感染力不如布罗茨基的作品。也许,作者过于博学就必然偏向理性,这样,他们就很难毫无顾忌地将心绪毫无保留地宣泄出来,总要遮遮掩掩,会转几个弯,于是,自然,动人的力量会减几成。


MY WHOLE LIFE by Jorge Luis Borges

Here once again the memorable lips, unique and like yours.
I am this groping intensity that is a soul.
I have got near to happiness and have stood in the shadow of suffering.
I have crossed the sea.I have known many lands;
I have seen one woman and two or three men.
I have loved a girl who was fair and proud, with a Spanish quietness.
I have seen the city’s edge, an endless sprawl where the sun goes down tirelessly, over and over.
I have relished many words.
I believe deeply that this is all and that
I will neither see nor accomplish new things.
I believe that my days and my nights, in their poverty and their riches, are the equal of God’s and of all men’s.

《Walt Whitman of Mickle Street: A Centennial Collection》一书在提到博尔赫斯这首诗时说到:"This is still an unsatisfactory poem, but the enumerations have a more modest and restricted sense. You still feel that he wants to encompass worlds with his poem, but the feeling in Borges is less cosmic and more humble." 这说的是博尔赫斯的诗还是收敛了些,不够大气。

请注意上述评论中的“enumeration”一词,这个词的意思的“枚举”或“列举”,类似中文修饰法里的“排比”,用在这里有特殊含义。Detlev W. Schumann和Leo Spitzer认为,《旧约》里就有“列举法”,尽管如此,使之成为现代诗歌创作中真正有效的工具则全拜惠特曼所赐,其排山倒海一般的列举风格对聂鲁达和博尔赫斯影响颇深。博尔赫斯上面这首诗“I、I、I、I”,每一句以“I”开头就是这种风格的鲜明体现,所以有人说这是博尔赫斯站在南美大草原上向站在北美大草原上的惠特曼致敬。这首诗比较流行的中译有两个版本,一位译者是陈东飙,另一位是西川。西川的译文最后四句不错,其它部分不好。陈东飙用的是直译,按中文标准,病句良多,可怕。


Here once again the memorable lips, unique and like yours.
I am this groping intensity that is a soul.

这两句诗人想说的是“过去”宛如美丽的姑娘独一无二、一吻难忘的双唇,(想到这一生)诗人不由自主地颤栗,灵魂出窍。因此,把它们译成“这里又一次 /饱含记忆的嘴唇 /独特而又与你们的相似 /我就是这迟缓的强度 /一个灵魂 ”(陈东飙),或者“这里,又一次,记忆压着我的嘴唇,/它很独特,却又与你的相似。/我就是那紧张的敏感,那是一个灵魂。 ”(西川),都莫名其妙得叫人灵魂出窍。


I am this groping intensity that is a soul
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