【第39篇·楊子】 常用的口令詞(九)
Walk your feet forward 雙腳往前走
Thighs roll inward 大腿內旋
Release your knees a little 膝蓋稍微放鬆
Do not force your knee 不要對膝蓋施加壓力
Cross and lift your legs off the mat 雙腿交叉並向上抬,離開墊子
Put your weight onto your heels 重心放在腳後跟
Draw your knees into your chest 膝蓋往胸腔里收
Cross your feet, right over left 雙腳(腿)交叉,右上左下
Keep your back leg straight 後腿保持伸直
Thighs off the floor 大腿離開地面
Gaze at your big toes 凝視大腳趾
Relax your buttocks 放鬆臀部
Pelvis neutral and even 骨盆中正均勻
Chest up 胸腔上提,挺胸
Do not arch your spine/back 不要拱背
Extend your spine 延展脊柱
Maintain the length in the neck 保持頸部的伸展
Place your hands flat on the mat 雙手平放在墊子上
Squeeze the elbows toward each other 手肘內夾
Hands holding the sides of your feet 雙手抓住雙腳的兩側
Fingers pointing back toward you 手指指向身體背部
Fingers spread wide 手指大大張開
Shoulders above the wrists 肩膀在手腕的正上方
Arms parallel to the floor 手臂平行於地面
Arms engaged 手臂有力
Lift your head off the ground 頭抬起來離開地面
Five long deep breath 五次深長的呼吸
Direct your breath up into your back and chest 引導呼吸往上進入背部和胸腔