9-2 自定义生成器

2018-08-26  本文已影响0人  正在努力ing

\ \ 普通函数是碰到return就会返回

\ \ 生成器是碰到yield返回,但是函数并没结束,此时会建立一个栈帧指向这里;指导主函数调用生成器的next(),生成器会找到这个栈帧,读取恢复现场,继续从上次yield结束位置运行

def myreadfile(f, newline):
    buf  = ""   #读取内容缓存
    while True:
        while newline in buf:   #缓存中存在分隔符
            pos = buf.index(newline)  #定位分隔符位置
            yield buf[:pos]     # 输出分隔符之前的内容
            buf = buf[pos+len(newline):]  #buf 变成分隔符之后的内容,再次循环
        next_read = f.read(4096) # buf中不在有分隔符,就需要添加下次内容了

        if not next_read:  #没有读到下次的内容,证明文件读取完毕
            yield buf
        buf = buf+next_read    

with open("test.txt") as f:
    for line in myreadfile(f, "{|}"):
Prior to beginning tutoring sessions
, I ask new students to fill
 out a brief self-assessment
 where they rate their
 understanding of various Python concepts. Some topics ("control flow with if/else" or "defining and using functions") are understood by a majority of students before ever beginning tutoring. There are a handful of topics, however, that almost all
 students report having no knowledge or very limited understanding of. Of these

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