IPFS&FileCoin:如何申请获得 Protoco
Research Requests for Proposals (RFPs) :征求建议书,是发单人向数家承包商征求解决方案建议时,向外招标发放的一种文件。
We consider ourselves to be members and beneficiaries of many academic fields, and we hope that this program will help foster the research community in those fields. We also hope to support the open source dissemination of such research. Because this program is an experiment, we may change it without notice. Please note that by submitting an application, you and your co-applicants agree to the Terms and Conditions of this program.
Applying for a grant is not a guarantee of funding and we expect to receive more grant requests than we are able to fund. The decision as to whether or not to award funding is entirely at our discretion.
By submitting an application, an individual or organization agrees:
To use any support provided solely for the project described in the funding request and to provide documentation supporting this use, if requested.
To exercise control or coordination over the supported project.
To be willing to disclose that Protocol Labs provided financial support.
To release the results as open source under MIT license, if feasible.
- 若要使用专门为资助申请中所述项目提供的任何支持,并提供支持此项使用的文件;
- 为了对受支持的项目进行控制或协调;
- 为了愿意公开该协议实验室提供了财务支持;
- 如果可行的话,以MIT开放源代码的形式发布结果。
We reserve the right to change the terms and conditions, including canceling the program at any time without notice. Please note that you are responsible for complying with taxes and laws, and you agree to provide us with enough information, at our request, so that we can comply with all relevant laws and regulations.
To apply, please send email an application to rfp@protocol.ai and include the following:
- The names of the applicants.
- Contact information for at least one of the authors.
- A description of relevant experience.
- An expected timeline for completing each of the objectives.
- An explanation of your proposed approach to the problem.
- Request for award amount and estimated total overall budget.
- For each question, please write no more than 200 words unless instructed otherwise on the RFP itself.
- 申请人的姓名
- 至少有一位作者的联系信息
- 相关经验的描述
- 完成每个目标的预期时间表
- 解释你提出的解决问题的方法
- 请求奖励金额和总预算总额
- 对于每个问题,除非RFP本身另有指示,否则请写出不超过200字
Information about grant deadlines, award size, and payout schedule are described on individual RFPs. Questions, comments, concerns, and feedback on this process can be sent to rfp@protocol.ai.
信息来源:Protocol Labs Github