OkCupid | Freedom
Well, a Jewish doctor, on this spinning ball of rock in the big dark......
他说的 Chinese curse 大概是“万事如意”。
My self-summary
'Gee Brain what are we going to do tonight?'
'The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Plan to save the world!! Bwahahahahahah!!'
I'm an ER doc for a week a month, doing an MFA in Creative Writing, adventure traveling, and doing nerdy stuff the rest of the time. Care to join me?
I'm in a nontraditional open relationship with a wonderful woman.
What I’m doing with my life
Hack writer, wanna-be mad scientist, freelance traveling ER doctor.
Currently writing a book, Fever of Unknown Origin, about life as a bohemian physician and wandering scholar. Going into a low residency MFA for writing in the fall.
Recent project ideas have included a photojournalism project about wealth disparity, a podcast about topics in sex based on actual scientific studies, buying property for a hippie commune, an app to get asthma medicine to lower income patients. I am somewhat distractible so most of these never come to fruition...
I’m really good at
Exploring. I'm a level 17 wandering scholar with +5 in foreign lands, road trips and hot springs.
Not sweating the small stuff
Being an ER doc. It makes career change difficult
Things I'm not good at:
Huge gatherings with lots of people. I'm a social introvert and prefer intimate settings where conversation and connection can happen. I like to entertain at my house or other people's houses.
Dancing or standing. I have back issues so I can run/hike/climb but I can't stand or dance in one place. Tall people problems.
Fancy. I don't like fancy for fancy's sake. I drive a sensible car. I spend money on things and people that I think are important.
Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food
Thailand, mountain biking in Marin, Pho, talking about our latest book, Carl Sagan, roadtrips, Redwood Regional with the dawgs, Marie Curie and her Amazing Ray Gun!, the sound of a waterfall, Pho Pho Pho!, a campfire, snuggles, inspiring each other with creative projects, Colombia, what's over there?...
Six things I could never do without
Early Wednesday morning on my way to class,
a Jesus freak blocks my path
wearing a stiff suit, toothpaste breath and toothy leer
“Have you found Jesus?” he asks,
putting me to the task
“Yup,” I say, raising my sacred cup,
“Got my religion right here.”
...excerpt from Caffeine Dreaming. It's about coffee. You get the drift...
I spend a lot of time thinking about
That I should be writing
What my next career/lifepath will be. Ever hear the Chinese curse "May you get everything you ever wanted."? Yeah. What do you do after that?
On a typical Friday night I am
Anything from knife and gun club at the big house (the ER), board games with friends, or overseas drinking at the hotel
You should message me if
You want to go biking (especially mountain biking, that's my new thing), hiking, camping, road trips and explorations. If you want to teach me to snowboard. I'm not much into clubs, bars, restaurants, etc. unless they're in another city or country. I travel internationally several times a year and you should come!
I want to be with a strong (physically, emotionally) partner who will inspire my imagination or test my courage, to make me a better friend, lover, person. You want to love and support each other and create art and heal the world and build businesses and build community.
Freedom is one of my highest priorities, it should be important to you as well. I'm ultimately looking for a committed relationship but I'm not monogamous by nature. Our lives are just too big to be completely encompassed by one other person, but I'm looking for a person to travel with me in this life, on this spinning ball of rock in the big dark.