n. 湿度,潮湿,湿气
Eg.The humidity reached almost ninety five percent.
vt. 使蒙羞,羞辱,使丢脸
Eg. You humiliated me in front of my friends.
vt. 1.推搡,猛推;2.竭力兜售或获取
vi. 1.竭力兜售或获取;2.催促,催赶
n. 忙碌,奔忙
Eg.Do you like going into the city on the train? No, there is too much noise and hustle.
n. 1.杂交生成的生物体,杂交植物(或动物);2.混合物,合成物
Eg.I agree, and unfortunately the students often get neglected.
(5): hypocrisy
n. 伪善,虚伪
Eg.His speech was utter hypocrisy.
(6) identification
n. 1.身份证明;2.鉴定,验明,认出;3.认同
Eg.I need to see some identification before I can let you in.
n. 思想(体系),思想意识
Eg.My ideologies and ideas about life have changed over the years.
vt. 点燃,引发
vi. 着火
Eg.The fire was ignited by an accident.
vt. 1.照明,照亮;2.阐明,启发
Eg.The new lights illuminate the room well.
(10) illusion
n. 1.幻想,错误的观念;2.错觉,幻觉,假象
Eg.Is that you Helen or are you an illusion?