Financial aid for international students in the US is typically known to be rare. Students are advised to have their own sponsors, or take private loans. Scholarships for undergraduate international students do exist, but there aren’t that many out there. However, the University of Chicago (commonly known as UChicago) recently received a gift of US$25 million from an anonymous donor to be channelled towards financial aid for undergraduate international students. It adds on to a US$10 million donation from the same donor received in 2017, which brings the total to US$35 million.
President of U Chicago, Robert J. Zimmer, said in a statement, “Welcoming international students and scholars enhances all of the university’s efforts in research and education, and enables us to reach our highest aspirations as an intellectual destination for people of all backgrounds. “This generous gift will allow more international students to benefit from and contribute to the University of Chicago’s transformative educational environment, while advancing our commitment to foster a rich diversity of ideas and perspectives.
芝加哥大学校长Robert J. Zimmer在一份声明中说,“ 欢迎国际学生和学者,可以提升我们在研究和教育方面的实力,让将芝大打造成为来自不同背景的人们的理想中的知识园地。这份慷慨的礼物将使更多的国际学生从芝加哥大学的变革性教育环境中受益并为之做出贡献,同时推动我们致力于培养丰富多样的思想和观点。”
Thanks to the Office of International Affairs and the English Language Institute for joining us on a panel discussion yesterday afternoon to discuss the specific challenges international students face during the job search and interviewing process. The University of Chicago recently made headlines for becoming the most expensive university in the US, after they announced that tuition fees and housing costs for the 2019-20 school year will come up to approximately US$80,000.
The University has made efforts to make tuition more affordable for those from lower-income families. Free tuition is guaranteed for those from families with incomes less than US$125,000, and local students from families earning less than US$60,000 will have full tuition, fees, room and board covered by financial aid. The donation will mainly go towards bolstering the Odyssey scholarship programme at U Chicago so that more international students can benefit.
According to U Chicago News, “Over the last decade the Odyssey program has built a record of success in providing comprehensive support for College students with the greatest financial need, helping them to thrive at U Chicago and pursue rewarding careers after graduation. “Beyond support for tuition, room and board, Odyssey students receive support for study abroad, academic enrichment, and career development through paid, substantive internships and research opportunities. “By enabling a meaningful expansion of international financial aid, the gift will strengthen the University’s commitment to include more students of high academic ability from around the world regardless of financial means.”
根据《芝加哥新闻》报道, “ 在过去的十年里,奥德赛项目在为最需要资金的大学生提供全面支持方面取得了成功,帮助他们在芝加哥大学茁壮成长,并在毕业后追求有价值的职业。“ 除了学费,食宿费用以外,奥德赛项目的学生还可以通过带薪、实质性的实习和研究机会,获得出国留学、学术充实和职业发展方面的支持。“ 通过有意义地扩大国际财政援助,这份礼物将加强该大学的承诺,让更多来自世界各地的高学术能力学生参与进来,无论他们的经济状况如何。”
本新闻解读首发于2019年07月26日,新闻来源: Study Internatinal
芝加哥大学(The University of Chicago)简称“芝大”(UChicago),位于美国国际金融中心芝加哥,是世界著名私立研究型大学、常年位列各个大学排行榜世界前十。 该校诞生了芝加哥经济学派(Chicago School of Economics)等以人文社科为主的众多芝加哥学派,约40%的诺贝尔经济学奖得主与芝大相关,是世界经济学、法学、社会学等学科最重要的研究教学中心之一。而从曼哈顿计划起大批科学家汇集于此,在“原子能之父”费米的领导下建立了世界上第一台核反应堆(“芝加哥一号堆”,Chicago Pile 1)、成功开启人类原子能时代,并创立了美国第一所国家实验室阿贡国家实验室和之后著名的费米实验室,进而奠定了芝大在自然科学界的重要地位。
课后思考READING REFLECTION芝加哥大学在美国顶尖名校当中,是著名的最难读的几所大学之一,特别在 US NEWS 近年来的大学排名中, 芝加哥大学持续进入前三甲。
#1 Princeton University
#2 Harvard University
#3 University of Chicago
#3 Yale University
芝加哥大学的内涵 :芝加哥大学之所以被认为是好大学是因为它生产思想,也生产有思想的人,是美国最重要的思想家的汇集地,拥有80多位诺贝尔奖得主,在它最辉煌的时代,堪称群星璀璨,形成了在各个学科中著名的“芝加哥学派”。
这是一所自由宽松的大学, 在芝大,没有人要求教授一定要做出什么科研成果,但一定要上课。
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