2018-06-14 .NET及相关开发资讯速递
(读报时间)2018-06-14 .NET及相关开发资讯速递:
3.Log4net vs NLog: Comparison of How They Affect Codebases - NDepend
4.React with .NET Core and MySQL – Dynamic Form Creation and Modal Components
5.Suggest autocomplete words in Csharp
6.ML.NET—an open source, cross-platform, machine learning framework for .NET
7.EntityFramework 6.x和EntityFramework Core关系映射中导航属性必须是public?
8.Create an Application With Angular 6 and .NET Core: A Step-by-Step Guide
9.ASP.NET Core Identity Series – Deep dive in Authorization
10.SYSUTCDATETIME() vs GETUTCDATE() in SQL Server: What's the Difference?
12.ASP.NET Core Swagger UI Authorization using IdentityServer4
13.超详细 Kubernetes 初学者指南
14.v-region 1.5.0 发布,基于 Vue2 的中国行政区划选择器
15.36氪领读 | 如何进行漂亮的即兴演讲,把握人生的关键时刻?
16.微软或计划于今年内公布 HoloLens 2