C++ Primer Plus(第6版)编程练习-第四章
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What is your first name? Betty Sue
What is your last name? Yewe
What letter grade do you deserve? B
What is your age? 22
Name:Yewe,Betty Sue
int main()
using namespace std;
const int size = 20;
char first_name[size];
char last_name[size];
char grade;
int age;
cout << "What is your first name?" << endl;
cin.get(first_name, size).get();
cout << "What is your last name?" << endl;
cin.get(last_name, size).get();
cout << "What letter grade do you deserve?" << endl;
cin >> grade;
cout << "What is your age?" << endl;
cin >> age;
cout << "Name: " << last_name << ", " << first_name << endl;
cout << "Grade: " << ++grade << endl;
cout << "Age: " << age << endl;
return 0;
int main()
using namespace std;
string name;
string dessert;
cout << "Enter your name:\n";
cin >> name;
cout << "Enter your favorite dessert:\n";
cin >> dessert;
cout << "I have some delicious " << dessert << " for you, " << name <<"."<< endl;
return 0;
Enter your first name: Flip
Enter your last name: Fleaming
Here's the information in a single string: Fleming, Flip
int main()
using namespace std;
char first_name[20];
char last_name[20];
char full_name[20];
cout << "Enter your first name: " ;
cout << "Enter your last name: " ;
cin.getline(last_name, 20);
strcpy_s(full_name, last_name);
strcat_s(full_name, ", ");
strcat_s(full_name, first_name);
//错误C4996 'strcpy'与'strcat': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using strcpy_s instead.
cout << "Enter your last name: " << endl;
cout << "Here's the information in a single string: " << full_name << endl;
return 0;
Enter your first name: Flip
Enter your last name: Fleaming
Here's the information in a single string: Fleming, Flip
int main()
using namespace std;
string first_name;
string last_name;
string full_name;
cout << "Enter your first name: " << endl;
cout << "Enter your last name: " << endl;
full_name+=", ";
cout << "Enter your last name: " << endl;
cout << "Here's the information in a single string: " << full_name << endl;
return 0;
5.结构CandyBar包含3个成员。第一个成员存储了糖块的品牌;第二个成员存储糖块的重量(可以有小数);第三个成员存储了糖的卡路里含量(整数)。请编写一个程序,声明这个结构,创建一个名为snack的CandBar变量,并将其成员分别初始化为“Mocha Munch”、2.3和350。初始化在声明snack时进行。最后,程序显示snack变量的内容。
int main()
using namespace std;
struct CandyBar
string brand;
double weight;
int cal;
CandyBar snack = { "Mocha Munch", 2.3, 350 };
cout <<snack.brand<<endl;
cout << snack.weight << endl;
cout << snack.cal<< endl;
return 0;
using namespace std;
struct Pizza
string Inc;
double diameter;
double weight;
int main()
Pizza pizza;
cout << "Please enter the Inc of the pizza: " << endl;
cin >> pizza.Inc;
cout << "Please enter the diameter of the pizza: " << endl;
cin >> pizza.diameter;
cout << "Please enter the weight of the pizza: " << endl;
cin >> pizza.weight;
cout << "This pizza is form " << pizza.Inc << endl;
cout << "diameter: " << pizza.diameter << endl;
cout << "weight: " << pizza.weight << endl;
return 0;
7.William Wingate从事披萨分析服务。对于每个披萨饼,他都需要记录下列信息:
using namespace std;
struct Pizza
string Inc;
double diameter;
double weight;
int main()
Pizza pizza;
cout << "Please enter the Inc of the pizza: " << endl;
cin >> pizza.Inc;
cout << "Please enter the diameter of the pizza: " << endl;
cin >> pizza.diameter;
cout << "Please enter the weight of the pizza: " << endl;
cin >> pizza.weight;
cout << "This pizza is form " << pizza.Inc << endl;
cout << "diameter: " << pizza.diameter << endl;
cout << "weight: " << pizza.weight << endl;
return 0;
using namespace std;
struct Pizza
string Inc;
double diameter;
double weight;
int main()
Pizza* p = new Pizza;
cout << "Please enter the diameter of the pizza: " << endl;
cin >> p->diameter;
cout << "Please enter the Inc of the pizza: " << endl;
cin >>p->Inc;
cout << "Please enter the weight of the pizza: " << endl;
cin >>p->weight;
cout << "This pizza is form " << p->Inc << endl;
cout << "diameter: " << p->diameter << endl;
cout << "weight: " << p->weight << endl;
delete p;
return 0;
using namespace std;
struct CandyBar
string brand;
double weight;
int cal;
int main()
CandyBar* p = new CandyBar[3];
p[0]={ "Mocha Munch0", 2.30, 3500 };
p[1]={ "Mocha Munch1", 2.31, 3501 };
p[2]={ "Mocha Munch2", 2.32, 3502 };
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
cout << "brand: " << p[i].brand << endl;
cout << "weight: " << p[i].weight << endl;
cout << "calorie: " << p[i].cal << endl;
cout << endl;
delete [] p;
return 0;
int main()
using namespace std;
array<double, 3>grade;
cout << "Please input your first grade:";
cin >> grade[0];
cout << "Please input your second grade:";
cin >> grade[1];
cout << "Please input your third grade:";
cin >> grade[2];
cout << "Average grade of three times:" << (grade[0] + grade[1] + grade[2]) / 3<< endl;
return 0;