【124】每日一题 他来了(3)——老夏考研

2020-11-13  本文已影响0人  夏徛荣考研


(1)Towards Mr Trump’s spell, the author’s attitude seems to be    

[A] skepticism.

[B] tolerance.

[C] objectivity.

[D] sympathy.

(2)The word “abdicate” (Paragraph 7) is closest in meaning to    

[A] take on.

[B] go beyond 

[C] get over.

[D] give up.


(Section 3)

(6)The trained cynicism about government needs to be unwound. Mr Biden’s argument is that if Americans cannot share a common narrative about how to handle Covid then the government cannot produce a successful solution. He is right. Republicans must break Mr Trump’s spell over their party. Left unchecked the Grand Old Party risks reducing itself to a cult beholden to an ageing leader’s bizarre conspiracy theories.

(7)The American dream does not exist for many people. How to manage this pain is central to Mr Biden’s healing touch. The president-elect seems ready to offer compassion and help to those whose suffering Mr Trump dismissed as fraudulent. Mr Biden wants Americans to feel empowered by believing in something larger than themselves. He would like elected leaders to take, rather than abdicate, responsibility for public duties. If the 2020 election was a referendum on the Trump years, the pandemic provides a test of conservative principles. Mr Biden aims to restore trust in government, and in the US itself. Republicans should do their bit to help.



