
2018-12-14  本文已影响10人  go4it




 * A factory for checkpoint output streams, which are used to persist data for checkpoints.
 * <p>Stream factories can be created from the {@link CheckpointStorage} through
 * {@link CheckpointStorage#resolveCheckpointStorageLocation(long, CheckpointStorageLocationReference)}.
public interface CheckpointStreamFactory {

    CheckpointStateOutputStream createCheckpointStateOutputStream(CheckpointedStateScope scope) throws IOException;

    abstract class CheckpointStateOutputStream extends FSDataOutputStream {

        public abstract StreamStateHandle closeAndGetHandle() throws IOException;

        public abstract void close() throws IOException;



public abstract class FSDataOutputStream extends OutputStream {

    public abstract long getPos() throws IOException;

    public abstract void flush() throws IOException;

    public abstract void sync() throws IOException;

    public abstract void close() throws IOException;



 * A storage location for one particular checkpoint, offering data persistent, metadata persistence,
 * and lifecycle/cleanup methods.
 * <p>CheckpointStorageLocations are typically created and initialized via
 * {@link CheckpointStorage#initializeLocationForCheckpoint(long)} or
 * {@link CheckpointStorage#initializeLocationForSavepoint(long, String)}.
public interface CheckpointStorageLocation extends CheckpointStreamFactory {

    CheckpointMetadataOutputStream createMetadataOutputStream() throws IOException;

    void disposeOnFailure() throws IOException;

    CheckpointStorageLocationReference getLocationReference();



 * {@link CheckpointStreamFactory} that produces streams that write to in-memory byte arrays.
public class MemCheckpointStreamFactory implements CheckpointStreamFactory {

    /** The maximal size that the snapshotted memory state may have */
    private final int maxStateSize;

     * Creates a new in-memory stream factory that accepts states whose serialized forms are
     * up to the given number of bytes.
     * @param maxStateSize The maximal size of the serialized state
    public MemCheckpointStreamFactory(int maxStateSize) {
        this.maxStateSize = maxStateSize;

    public CheckpointStateOutputStream createCheckpointStateOutputStream(
            CheckpointedStateScope scope) throws IOException
        return new MemoryCheckpointOutputStream(maxStateSize);

    public String toString() {
        return "In-Memory Stream Factory";

    static void checkSize(int size, int maxSize) throws IOException {
        if (size > maxSize) {
            throw new IOException(
                    "Size of the state is larger than the maximum permitted memory-backed state. Size="
                            + size + " , maxSize=" + maxSize
                            + " . Consider using a different state backend, like the File System State backend.");

     * A {@code CheckpointStateOutputStream} that writes into a byte array.
    public static class MemoryCheckpointOutputStream extends CheckpointStateOutputStream {

        private final ByteArrayOutputStreamWithPos os = new ByteArrayOutputStreamWithPos();

        private final int maxSize;

        private AtomicBoolean closed;

        boolean isEmpty = true;

        public MemoryCheckpointOutputStream(int maxSize) {
            this.maxSize = maxSize;
            this.closed = new AtomicBoolean(false);

        public void write(int b) throws IOException {
            isEmpty = false;

        public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
            os.write(b, off, len);
            isEmpty = false;

        public void flush() throws IOException {

        public void sync() throws IOException { }

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------

        public void close() {
            if (closed.compareAndSet(false, true)) {

        public StreamStateHandle closeAndGetHandle() throws IOException {
            if (isEmpty) {
                return null;
            return new ByteStreamStateHandle(String.valueOf(UUID.randomUUID()), closeAndGetBytes());

        public long getPos() throws IOException {
            return os.getPosition();

        public boolean isClosed() {
            return closed.get();

         * Closes the stream and returns the byte array containing the stream's data.
         * @return The byte array containing the stream's data.
         * @throws IOException Thrown if the size of the data exceeds the maximal
        public byte[] closeAndGetBytes() throws IOException {
            if (closed.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
                checkSize(os.size(), maxSize);
                byte[] bytes = os.toByteArray();
                return bytes;
            } else {
                throw new IOException("stream has already been closed");

        private void closeInternal() {



 * A checkpoint storage location for the {@link MemoryStateBackend} in case no durable persistence
 * for metadata has been configured.
public class NonPersistentMetadataCheckpointStorageLocation
        extends MemCheckpointStreamFactory
        implements CheckpointStorageLocation {

    /** The external pointer returned for checkpoints that are not externally addressable. */
    public static final String EXTERNAL_POINTER = "<checkpoint-not-externally-addressable>";

    public NonPersistentMetadataCheckpointStorageLocation(int maxStateSize) {

    public CheckpointMetadataOutputStream createMetadataOutputStream() throws IOException {
        return new MetadataOutputStream();

    public void disposeOnFailure() {}

    public CheckpointStorageLocationReference getLocationReference() {
        return CheckpointStorageLocationReference.getDefault();

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //  CompletedCheckpointStorageLocation
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * A {@link CompletedCheckpointStorageLocation} that is not persistent and only holds the
     * metadata in an internal byte array.
    private static class NonPersistentCompletedCheckpointStorageLocation implements CompletedCheckpointStorageLocation {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        private final ByteStreamStateHandle metaDataHandle;

        NonPersistentCompletedCheckpointStorageLocation(ByteStreamStateHandle metaDataHandle) {
            this.metaDataHandle = metaDataHandle;

        public String getExternalPointer() {
            return EXTERNAL_POINTER;

        public StreamStateHandle getMetadataHandle() {
            return metaDataHandle;

        public void disposeStorageLocation() {}

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //  CheckpointMetadataOutputStream
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    private static class MetadataOutputStream extends CheckpointMetadataOutputStream {

        private final ByteArrayOutputStreamWithPos os = new ByteArrayOutputStreamWithPos();

        private boolean closed;

        public void write(int b) throws IOException {

        public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
            os.write(b, off, len);

        public void flush() throws IOException {

        public long getPos() throws IOException {
            return os.getPosition();

        public void sync() throws IOException { }

        public CompletedCheckpointStorageLocation closeAndFinalizeCheckpoint() throws IOException {
            synchronized (this) {
                if (!closed) {
                    closed = true;

                    byte[] bytes = os.toByteArray();
                    ByteStreamStateHandle handle = new ByteStreamStateHandle(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), bytes);
                    return new NonPersistentCompletedCheckpointStorageLocation(handle);
                } else {
                    throw new IOException("Already closed");

        public void close() {
            if (!closed) {
                closed = true;



 * A checkpoint storage location for the {@link MemoryStateBackend} when it durably
 * persists the metadata in a file system.
public class PersistentMetadataCheckpointStorageLocation
        extends MemCheckpointStreamFactory
        implements CheckpointStorageLocation {

    private final FileSystem fileSystem;

    private final Path checkpointDirectory;

    private final Path metadataFilePath;

     * Creates a checkpoint storage persists metadata to a file system and stores state
     * in line in state handles with the metadata.
     * @param fileSystem The file system to which the metadata will be written.
     * @param checkpointDir The directory where the checkpoint metadata will be written.
    public PersistentMetadataCheckpointStorageLocation(
            FileSystem fileSystem,
            Path checkpointDir,
            int maxStateSize) {


        this.fileSystem = checkNotNull(fileSystem);
        this.checkpointDirectory = checkNotNull(checkpointDir);
        this.metadataFilePath = new Path(checkpointDir, AbstractFsCheckpointStorage.METADATA_FILE_NAME);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    public CheckpointMetadataOutputStream createMetadataOutputStream() throws IOException {
        return new FsCheckpointMetadataOutputStream(fileSystem, metadataFilePath, checkpointDirectory);

    public void disposeOnFailure() throws IOException {
        // on a failure, no chunk in the checkpoint directory needs to be saved, so
        // we can drop it as a whole
        fileSystem.delete(checkpointDirectory, true);

    public CheckpointStorageLocationReference getLocationReference() {
        return CheckpointStorageLocationReference.getDefault();



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