看图记单词 31

washing machine
tumble dryer
a machine that uses hot air to dry clothes after they have been washed
laundry basket
a large basket that you put dirty clothes in until you wash them
laundry detergent
a liquid or powder used for washing clothes, dishes etc
clothes line / washing line
a piece of thin rope or wire, attached to posts, that you hang clothes on to dry outside after you have washed them
drying clip / peg
a piece of wood or plastic used for attaching wet clothes to a clothes line
a thing used for making clothes smooth, which has a heated flat metal base
ironing board
a small narrow table used for ironing clothes
an open container with a handle, used for carrying and holding things, especially liquids
a thing used for washing floors, consisting of a long stick with threads of thick string or a piece of sponge fastened to one end