
2019-12-16  本文已影响0人  钦_79f7








     * Inflate a new view hierarchy from the specified XML node. Throws
     * {@link InflateException} if there is an error.
     * <p>
     * <em><strong>Important</strong></em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;For performance
     * reasons, view inflation relies heavily on pre-processing of XML files
     * that is done at build time. Therefore, it is not currently possible to
     * use LayoutInflater with an XmlPullParser over a plain XML file at runtime.
     * @param parser XML dom node containing the description of the view
     *        hierarchy.
     * @param root Optional view to be the parent of the generated hierarchy (if
     *        <em>attachToRoot</em> is true), or else simply an object that
     *        provides a set of LayoutParams values for root of the returned
     *        hierarchy (if <em>attachToRoot</em> is false.)
     * @param attachToRoot Whether the inflated hierarchy should be attached to
     *        the root parameter? If false, root is only used to create the
     *        correct subclass of LayoutParams for the root view in the XML.
     * @return The root View of the inflated hierarchy. If root was supplied and
     *         attachToRoot is true, this is root; otherwise it is the root of
     *         the inflated XML file.
public View inflate(XmlPullParser parser, @Nullable ViewGroup root, boolean attachToRoot) {
    View result = root;
    final View temp = createViewFromTag(root, name, inflaterContext, attrs);

    ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = null;

    //从此处的判断可以知道只有root!=null的情况下,才会执行解析inflate View的LayoutParams属性
    if (root != null) {
        if (DEBUG) {
            System.out.println("Creating params from root: " +
        // Create layout params that match root, if supplied
        params = root.generateLayoutParams(attrs);
        if (!attachToRoot) {
            // Set the layout params for temp if we are not
            // attaching. (If we are, we use addView, below)
    // We are supposed to attach all the views we found (int temp)
    // to root. Do that now.
    if (root != null && attachToRoot) {
        root.addView(temp, params);

    // Decide whether to return the root that was passed in or the
    // top view found in xml.
    if (root == null || !attachToRoot) {
        result = temp;

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