
#疯语小咖 撰于2019年12月9日#
#纯属个人参照模板练笔仿写 或含许多语法错误 仅供参考#
As is vividly depicted in the drawing above, a hand is clicking on the mouse which is locked by an iron chain.What a simple action,but it also implies the close relationship between human beings and the Internet.
Scientific and technological innovation has become a new driving force for social development, as we enter the 21st century. Driven by science and technology, the Internet has entered thousands of households, and we are increasingly inseparable from it. However, the Internet is a double-edged sword,just like a coin with two sides. On the one hand, we can easily get access to a variety of/a wide range of commodities and timely news,and efficiently and fastly download a series of favorite movies and music videos and so forth when surfing on the line. Moreover, we can get in touch with/come into contact with different customs and cultural conventions, simutaneously broaden our horizons and enrich our life. On the other hand,the Internet is so attactive and full of temptations.A good many netizens claim that they are too addicted to the Internet and thus spend much more time and energy playing games, or chatting, or watching some useless videos. Sitting in front of the computer for a long time will had a bad impact on our body and mind, what's worse, will also reduce our communication opportunities with family and friends.
随着我们迈入21世纪,科技创新已经成为社会发展的新动力。在科技的推动下,互联网走进了千家万户,我们越来越离不开它。然而,互联网是一把双刃剑, 就像一枚硬币会有双面。从正面讲,通过网上冲浪,我们可以更容易地购买到琳琅满目的商品,获取最新的资讯,下载电影音乐等有用的资源;还能够接触到全国各地乃至世界不同的风土人情和文化习俗,增长自己的见闻,丰富我们的人生。从反面讲,互联网是有吸引力的,它充满了诱惑。很多网友都声称自己迷恋上了互联网,每天都花费太多时间和精力用来玩游戏、聊天和看无用的视频。长期坐在电脑面前,对我们的身心都会造成不好的影响,还会减少我们与家人朋友的沟通机会。
To sum up, the meaning of the Internet consists not in itself, but in its users. We can't do without the Internet, but we can do a reasonable allocation of online time, so that the Internet are able to play its functions in the most effective way, rather than lock our lives.
Thanks for reading.