
几种播放音频文件的方式(四) —— 音频队列服务(Audio Q

2017-12-27  本文已影响700人  刀客传奇


版本号 时间
V1.0 2017.12.26


1. 几种播放音频文件的方式(一) —— 播放本地音乐
2. 几种播放音频文件的方式(二) —— 音效播放
3. 几种播放音频文件的方式(三) —— 网络音乐播放








1. 创建AudioQueue

    @function   AudioQueueNewOutput
    @abstract   Creates a new audio queue for playing audio data.
        To create an playback audio queue, you allocate buffers, then queue buffers (using
        AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer). The callback receives buffers and typically queues them again.
        To schedule a buffer for playback, providing parameter and start time information, call
    @param      inFormat
        A pointer to a structure describing the format of the audio data to be played. For
        linear PCM, only interleaved formats are supported. Compressed formats are supported.
    @param      inCallbackProc
        A pointer to a callback function to be called when the audio queue has finished playing
        a buffer.
    @param      inUserData
        A value or pointer to data that you specify to be passed to the callback function.
    @param      inCallbackRunLoop
        The event loop on which inCallbackProc is to be called. If you specify NULL, the
        callback is called on one of the audio queue's internal threads.
    @param      inCallbackRunLoopMode
        The run loop mode in which to call the callback. Typically, you pass
        kCFRunLoopCommonModes. (NULL also specifies kCFRunLoopCommonModes). Other
        possibilities are implementation specific. You can choose to create your own thread with
        your own run loops. For more information on run loops, see Run Loops or CFRunLoop
    @param      inFlags
        Reserved for future use. Pass 0.
    @param      outAQ
        On return, this variable contains a pointer to the newly created playback audio queue
    @result     An OSStatus result code.

return:返回值用来判断是否成功创建(OSStatus == noErr)。

extern OSStatus             
AudioQueueNewOutput( const AudioStreamBasicDescription *inFormat,
                      AudioQueueOutputCallback        inCallbackProc,
                     void * __nullable               inUserData,
                       CFRunLoopRef __nullable         inCallbackRunLoop,
                       CFStringRef __nullable          inCallbackRunLoopMode,
                       UInt32                          inFlags,
                      AudioQueueRef __nullable * __nonnull outAQ)          

    @function   AudioQueueNewOutputWithDispatchQueue
    @abstract   Creates a new audio queue for playing audio data.
        To create an playback audio queue, you allocate buffers, then queue buffers (using
        AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer). The callback receives buffers and typically queues them again.
        To schedule a buffer for playback, providing parameter and start time information, call
    @param      outAQ
        On return, this variable contains a pointer to the newly created playback audio queue
    @param      inFormat
        A pointer to a structure describing the format of the audio data to be played. For
        linear PCM, only interleaved formats are supported. Compressed formats are supported.
    @param      inFlags
        Reserved for future use. Pass 0.
    @param      inCallbackDispatchQueue
        The dispatch queue from which inCallbackBlock is to be called.
    @param      inCallbackBlock
        A pointer to a callback block to be called when the audio queue has finished playing
        a buffer.
    @result     An OSStatus result code.
参数和上面基本相同,只是把RunLoop换成了dispatch queue
AudioQueueNewOutputWithDispatchQueue(AudioQueueRef __nullable * __nonnull outAQ,
                                    const AudioStreamBasicDescription *inFormat,
                                    UInt32                          inFlags,
                                    dispatch_queue_t                inCallbackDispatchQueue,
                                    AudioQueueOutputCallbackBlock   inCallbackBlock)

2. 创建Buffer

    @function   AudioQueueAllocateBuffer
    @abstract   Asks an audio queue to allocate a buffer.
        Once allocated, the pointer to the buffer and the buffer's size are fixed and cannot be
        changed. The mAudioDataByteSize field in the audio queue buffer structure,
        AudioQueueBuffer, is initially set to 0.
    @param      inAQ
        The audio queue you want to allocate a buffer.
    @param      inBufferByteSize
        The desired size of the new buffer, in bytes. An appropriate buffer size depends on the
        processing you will perform on the data as well as on the audio data format.
    @param      outBuffer
        On return, points to the newly created audio buffer. The mAudioDataByteSize field in the
        audio queue buffer structure, AudioQueueBuffer, is initially set to 0.
    @result     An OSStatus result code.

extern OSStatus
AudioQueueAllocateBuffer(AudioQueueRef    inAQ,
                          UInt32    inBufferByteSize,
                          AudioQueueBufferRef __nullable * __nonnull outBuffer)  

    @function   AudioQueueAllocateBufferWithPacketDescriptions
    @abstract   Asks an audio queue to allocate a buffer with space for packet descriptions.
        Once allocated, the pointer to the buffer and the buffer's size are fixed and cannot be
        changed. The mAudioDataByteSize field in the audio queue buffer structure,
        AudioQueueBuffer, is initially set to 0.
    @param      inAQ
        The audio queue you want to allocate a buffer.
    @param      inBufferByteSize
        The desired size of the new buffer, in bytes. An appropriate buffer size depends on the
        processing you will perform on the data as well as on the audio data format.
    @param      inNumberPacketDescriptions
        The desired capacity of the packet description array in the new buffer.
    @param      outBuffer
        On return, points to the newly created audio buffer. The mAudioDataByteSize field in the
        audio queue buffer structure, AudioQueueBuffer, is initially set to 0.
    @result     An OSStatus result code.
extern OSStatus
                                    AudioQueueRef           inAQ,
                                    UInt32                  inBufferByteSize,
                                    UInt32                  inNumberPacketDescriptions,
                                    AudioQueueBufferRef __nullable * __nonnull outBuffer)

3. 释放buffer

    @function   AudioQueueFreeBuffer
    @abstract   Disposes of an audio queue buffer.
        This function disposes of the buffer allocated by AudioQueueAllocateBuffer. Disposing of
        an audio queue also automatically disposes of any associated buffers and timeline
        objects. Call this function only if you want to dispose of a particular buffer while
        continuing to use an audio queue. You can dispose of buffers only when the associated
        queue is stopped (that is, not processing audio data).
    @param      inAQ
        The queue from which the buffer was allocated.
    @param      inBuffer
        The buffer to be disposed.
    @result     An OSStatus result code.

extern OSStatus
AudioQueueFreeBuffer(               AudioQueueRef           inAQ,
                                    AudioQueueBufferRef     inBuffer)

4. 插入buffer

    @function   AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer
    @abstract   Assigns a buffer to an audio queue for recording or playback.
        If the buffer was allocated with AudioQueueAllocateBufferWithPacketDescriptions,
        the client should provide packet descriptions in the buffer's mPacketDescriptions
        and mPacketDescriptionCount fields rather than in inPacketDescs and
        inNumPacketDescs, which should be NULL and 0, respectively, in this case.
        For an input queue, pass 0 and NULL for inNumPacketDescs and inPacketDescs,
        respectively. Your callback will receive packet descriptions owned by the audio queue.

    @param      inAQ
        The audio queue you are assigning the buffer to.
    @param      inBuffer
        The buffer to queue (that is, to be recorded into or played from).
    @param      inNumPacketDescs
        The number of packet descriptions pointed to by the inPacketDescs pointer. Applicable
        only for output queues and required only for variable-bit-rate (VBR) audio formats. Pass
        0 for input queues (no packet descriptions are required).
    @param      inPacketDescs
        An array of packet descriptions. Applicable only for output queues and required only for
        variable-bit-rate (VBR) audio formats. Pass NULL for input queues (no packet
        descriptions are required).
    @result     An OSStatus result code.

extern OSStatus
AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer(            AudioQueueRef                       inAQ,
                                    AudioQueueBufferRef                 inBuffer,
                                    UInt32                              inNumPacketDescs,
                                    const AudioStreamPacketDescription * __nullable inPacketDescs)

    @function   AudioQueueEnqueueBufferWithParameters
    @abstract   Assigns a buffer to an audio queue for playback, providing parameters
                and start time information.
        You can exert some control of the buffer queue by using this function. You can assign
        audio queue settings that are in effect carried by an audio queue buffer as you enqueue
        it. Hence, these changes only take effect when an audio queue buffer begins playing.
        This function queues a buffer for playback only, not for recording. Audio queues for
        recording have no parameters, do not support variable-bit-rate (VBR) formats (which
        might require trimming), and have a different way to handle timing. When queued for
        playback, the buffer must contain the audio data to be played back. See
        AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer for details on queuing a buffer for recording.

        If the buffer was allocated with AudioQueueAllocateBufferWithPacketDescriptions,
        the client should provide packet descriptions in the buffer's mPacketDescriptions
        and mPacketDescriptionCount fields rather than in inPacketDescs and
        inNumPacketDescs, which should be NULL and 0, respectively, in this case.
    @param      inAQ
        The audio queue associated with the buffer.
    @param      inBuffer
        The buffer to be played from.
    @param      inNumPacketDescs
        The number of packet descriptions pointed to by the inPacketDescs parameter. Required
        only for variable-bit-rate (VBR) audio formats. Pass 0 if no packet descriptions are
    @param      inPacketDescs
        A pointer to an array of audio stream packet descriptions. Required only for VBR audio
        formats. Pass NULL if no packet descriptions are required.
    @param      inTrimFramesAtStart
        The number of priming frames to skip at the start of the buffer.
    @param      inTrimFramesAtEnd
        The number of frames to skip at the end of the buffer.
    @param      inNumParamValues
        The number of parameter values pointed to by the inParamValues parameter.
    @param      inParamValues
        An array of parameter values. (In Mac OS X v10.5, there is only one parameter,
        kAudioQueueParam_Volume.) These values are set before buffer playback and cannot be
        changed while the buffer is playing. How accurately changes in parameters can be
        scheduled depends on the size of the buffer. If there are no parameters to set
        (inNumParamValues = 0), pass NULL.
    @param      inStartTime
        A pointer to a structure containing the desired start time for playing the buffer. If
        you specify the time using the mSampleTime field of the AudioTimeStamp structure, the
        sample time is relative to the time the queue started. If you pass NULL for the start
        time, the buffer starts immediately after the previously queued buffer, or as soon as
        possible if no buffers are queued ahead of it. Buffers are played in the order they are
        queued. If multiple buffers are queued, their times must be in ascending order or NULL;
        otherwise, an error occurs. The start time indicates when the actual audio data in the
        buffer is to be played (that is, the trim frames are not counted).
        Note: When specifying a start time for a buffer, if the buffer is not the first enqueued
        since AudioQueueStop or AudioQueueReset, it is normally necessary to call AudioQueueFlush
        before AudioQueueEnqueueBufferWithParameters.
    @param      outActualStartTime
        On return, points to an AudioTimeStamp structure indicating when the buffer will
        actually play.
    @result     An OSStatus result code.
extern OSStatus
                                    AudioQueueRef                                inAQ,
                                    AudioQueueBufferRef                          inBuffer,
                                    UInt32                                       inNumPacketDescs,
                                    const AudioStreamPacketDescription * __nullable inPacketDescs,
                                    UInt32                                       inTrimFramesAtStart,
                                    UInt32                                       inTrimFramesAtEnd,
                                    UInt32                                       inNumParamValues,
                                    const AudioQueueParameterEvent * __nullable  inParamValues,
                                    const AudioTimeStamp * __nullable            inStartTime,
                                    AudioTimeStamp * __nullable                  outActualStartTime)     __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_5,__IPHONE_2_0);

5. 开始播放

    @function   AudioQueueStart
    @abstract   Begins playing or recording audio.
        If the audio hardware is not already running, this function starts it.
    @param      inAQ
        The audio queue to start.
    @param      inStartTime
        A pointer to the time at which the audio queue should start. If you specify the time
        using the mSampleTime field of the AudioTimeStamp structure, the sample time is
        referenced to the sample frame timeline of the associated audio device. May be NULL.
    @result     An OSStatus result code.
第二个参数播放时间,如果直接开始播放 传NULL

extern OSStatus
AudioQueueStart(                    AudioQueueRef                     inAQ,
                                    const AudioTimeStamp * __nullable inStartTime)

6. 解码数据,不常用,调用开始播放会自动解码

    @function   AudioQueuePrime
    @abstract   Begins decoding buffers in preparation for playback.
        This function begins decoding buffers in preparation for playback. It returns when at
        least the number of audio sample frames are decoded and ready to play or when all
        enqueued buffers have been completely decoded. To ensure that a buffer has been decoded
        and is completely ready for playback, before playback:
            1.  Call AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer.
            2.  Call AudioQueuePrime, which waits if you pass 0 to have a default number of
                frames decoded.
            3.  Call AudioQueueStart.

        Calls to AudioQueuePrime following AudioQueueStart/AudioQueuePrime, and before
        AudioQueueReset/AudioQueueStop, will have no useful effect. In this situation,
        outNumberOfFramesPrepared will not have a useful return value.
    @param      inAQ
        The audio queue to be primed.
    @param      inNumberOfFramesToPrepare
        The number of frames to decode before returning. Pass 0 to decode all enqueued buffers.
    @param      outNumberOfFramesPrepared
        If not NULL, on return, a pointer to the number of frames actually decoded and prepared
        for playback.
    @result     An OSStatus result code.
extern OSStatus
AudioQueuePrime(                    AudioQueueRef           inAQ,
                                    UInt32                  inNumberOfFramesToPrepare,
                                    UInt32 * __nullable     outNumberOfFramesPrepared)

7. 停止播放

    @function   AudioQueueStop
    @abstract   Stops playing or recording audio.
        This function resets the audio queue and stops the audio hardware associated with the
        queue if it is not in use by other audio services. Synchronous stops occur immediately,
        regardless of previously buffered audio data. Asynchronous stops occur after all queued
        buffers have been played or recorded.
    @param      inAQ
        The audio queue to stop.
    @param      inImmediate
        If you pass true, the stop request occurs immediately (that is, synchronously), and the
        function returns when the audio queue has stopped. Buffer callbacks are invoked during
        the stopping. If you pass false, the function returns immediately, but the queue does
        not stop until all its queued buffers are played or filled (that is, the stop occurs
        asynchronously). Buffer callbacks are invoked as necessary until the queue actually
        stops. Also, a playback audio queue callback calls this function when there is no more
        audio to play.

        Note that when stopping immediately, all pending buffer callbacks are normally invoked
        during the process of stopping. But if the calling thread is responding to a buffer
        callback, then it is possible for additional buffer callbacks to occur after
        AudioQueueStop returns.
    @result     An OSStatus result code.

extern OSStatus
AudioQueueStop(                     AudioQueueRef           inAQ,
                                    Boolean                 inImmediate)            __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_5,__IPHONE_2_0);

8. 暂停播放

    @function   AudioQueuePause
    @abstract   Pauses audio playback or recording.
        Pausing the queue does not affect buffers or reset the audio queue. To resume playback
        or recording using the audio queue, call AudioQueueStart.
    @param      inAQ
        The queue to be paused.
    @result     An OSStatus result code.
extern OSStatus
AudioQueuePause(                    AudioQueueRef           inAQ)       __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_5,__IPHONE_2_0);

9. 重置解码器

    @function   AudioQueueFlush
    @abstract   Resets the audio queue's decoder state.
        After all queued buffers have been played, the function cleans up all decoder state
        information. You must call this function following a sequence of buffers of encoded
        audio; otherwise, some of the audio might not play in the next set of queued buffers.
        The only time it is not necessary to call AudioQueueFlush is following AudioQueueStop
        with inImmediate=false. (This action internally calls AudioQueueFlush.)
        Also, you might wish to call this function before calling AudioQueueStop depending on
        whether you want to stop immediately regardless of what has played or whether you want
        to ensure that all buffered data and all data that is in the middle of processing gets
        recorded or played before stopping.
    @param      inAQ
        The audio queue to be flushed.
    @result     An OSStatus result code.

extern OSStatus
AudioQueueFlush(                    AudioQueueRef           inAQ)            __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_5,__IPHONE_2_0);

10. 重置AudioQueue

    @function   AudioQueueReset
    @abstract   Resets an audio queue.
        This function immediately resets an audio queue, flushes any queued buffer, removes all
        buffers from previously scheduled use, and resets any decoder and digital signal
        processing (DSP) state information. It also invokes callbacks for any flushed buffers.
        If you queue any buffers after calling this function, processing does not occur until
        the decoder and DSP state information is reset. Hence, a discontinuity (that is, a
        "glitch") might occur.

        Note that when resetting, all pending buffer callbacks are normally invoked
        during the process of resetting. But if the calling thread is responding to a buffer
        callback, then it is possible for additional buffer callbacks to occur after
        AudioQueueReset returns.
    @param      inAQ
        The audio queue to reset.

    @result     An OSStatus result code.

extern OSStatus
AudioQueueReset(                    AudioQueueRef           inAQ)            __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_5,__IPHONE_2_0);

11. 获取播放时间

    @function   AudioQueueGetCurrentTime
    @abstract   Obtains the current audio queue time.
        You must specify a timeline object if you want to be notified about any timeline
        discontinuities in the outTimelineDiscontinuity parameter. If you don't care about
        discontinuities, pass NULL in the inTimeLine and outTimelineDiscontinuity parameters.
    @param      inAQ
        The audio queue whose current time you want to obtain.
    @param      inTimeline
        The audio queue timeline object to which any timeline discontinuities are reported. May
        be NULL.
    @param      outTimeStamp
        On return, points to an audio timestamp structure containing the current audio queue
        time. The mSampleTime field is in terms of the audio queue's sample rate, and relative
        to the time at which the queue has started or will start.
    @param      outTimelineDiscontinuity
        Can be NULL. On return, only set to true or false if the inTimeLine parameter is not
        NULL. Set to true if a discontinuity has occurred in the sample timeline of the audio
        queue. For instance, the device's sample rate changed and a gap occurred in playback or
        recording, or the audio queue was unable to prepare and playback in time because it was
        An OSStatus result code.

extern OSStatus
AudioQueueGetCurrentTime(           AudioQueueRef                    inAQ,
                                    AudioQueueTimelineRef __nullable inTimeline,
                                    AudioTimeStamp * __nullable      outTimeStamp,
                                    Boolean * __nullable             outTimelineDiscontinuity)       __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_5,__IPHONE_2_0);

12. 销毁AudioQueue

    @function   AudioQueueDispose
    @abstract   Disposes an existing audio queue.
        Disposing of the audio queue also disposes of all its resources, including its buffers.
    @param      inAQ
        The audio queue you want to dispose of
    @param      inImmediate
        If you pass true, the audio queue is disposed of immediately (that is, synchronously).
        If you pass false, disposal does not take place until all enqueued buffers are
        processed. Whether you call AudioQueueDispose synchronously or asynchronously, you can
        no longer interact with the queue, and the queue no longer invokes any callbacks to your
        application after the function returns.
        Note that if AudioQueueDispose is called from a buffer completion callback or property
        listener, you may receive further callbacks afterwards.
    @result     An OSStatus result code.

extern OSStatus
AudioQueueDispose(                  AudioQueueRef           inAQ, 
                                    Boolean                 inImmediate)            __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_5,__IPHONE_2_0);

13. AudioQueue参数

    @function   AudioQueueGetParameter
    @abstract   Obtains an audio queue parameter value.
        You can access the current parameter values for an audio queue at any time with this
    @param      inAQ
        The audio queue whose parameter value you want to obtain.
    @param      inParamID
        The ID of the parameter you want to obtain. In Mac OS X v10.5, audio queues have one
        parameter available: kAudioQueueParam_Volume, which controls the queue's playback
    @param      outValue
        On return, points to the current value of the specified parameter.
        An OSStatus result code.
extern OSStatus
AudioQueueGetParameter(             AudioQueueRef               inAQ,
                                    AudioQueueParameterID       inParamID,
                                    AudioQueueParameterValue *  outValue)       __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_5,__IPHONE_2_0);

    @function   AudioQueueSetParameter
    @abstract   Sets an audio queue parameter value.
    @param      inAQ
        The audio queue whose parameter value you want to set.
    @param      inParamID
        The ID of the parameter you want to set.
    @param      inValue
        The parameter value to set.
        An OSStatus result code.
extern OSStatus
AudioQueueSetParameter(             AudioQueueRef               inAQ,
                                    AudioQueueParameterID       inParamID,
                                    AudioQueueParameterValue    inValue)        __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_5,__IPHONE_2_0);

    kAudioQueueParam_Volume         = 1,
    kAudioQueueParam_PlayRate       = 2,
    kAudioQueueParam_Pitch          = 3,
    kAudioQueueParam_VolumeRampTime = 4,
    kAudioQueueParam_Pan            = 13

14. AudioQueue属性

    @function   AudioQueueGetPropertySize
    @abstract   Obtains the size of an audio queue property.
    @param      inAQ
        The audio queue containing the property value whose size you want to obtain.
    @param      inID
        The ID of the property value whose size you want to obtain. See "Audio Queue Property
        IDs" for possible values.
    @param      outDataSize
        On return, points to the size of the specified property value.
        An OSStatus result code.
extern OSStatus
AudioQueueGetPropertySize(          AudioQueueRef           inAQ,
                                    AudioQueuePropertyID    inID,
                                    UInt32 *                outDataSize)            __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_5,__IPHONE_2_0);

    @function   AudioQueueGetProperty
    @abstract   Obtains an audio queue property value.
    @param      inAQ
        The audio queue whose property value you want to obtain.
    @param      inID
        The ID of the property you want to obtain. See "Audio Queue Property IDs."
    @param      outData
        On return, points to the desired property value.
    @param      ioDataSize
        A pointer to the size of the property data. On input, points to the maximum bytes of
        space the caller expects to receive. On return, points to the actual data size.
        An OSStatus result code.
extern OSStatus
AudioQueueGetProperty(              AudioQueueRef           inAQ,
                                    AudioQueuePropertyID    inID,
                                    void *                  outData,
                                    UInt32 *                ioDataSize)             __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_5,__IPHONE_2_0);

    @function   AudioQueueSetProperty
    @abstract   Sets an audio queue property value.
    @param      inAQ
        The audio queue whose property value you want to set.
    @param      inID
        The ID of the property you want to set. See "Audio Queue Property IDs" for the various
        audio queue properties.
    @param      inData
        A pointer to the property value to set.
    @param      inDataSize
        The size of the property data.
        An OSStatus result code.
extern OSStatus
AudioQueueSetProperty(              AudioQueueRef           inAQ,
                                    AudioQueuePropertyID    inID,
                                    const void *            inData,
                                    UInt32                  inDataSize)             __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_5,__IPHONE_2_0);

CF_ENUM(AudioQueuePropertyID) {
    kAudioQueueProperty_IsRunning               = 'aqrn',       // value is UInt32

    kAudioQueueDeviceProperty_SampleRate        = 'aqsr',       // value is Float64
    kAudioQueueDeviceProperty_NumberChannels    = 'aqdc',       // value is UInt32
    kAudioQueueProperty_CurrentDevice           = 'aqcd',       // value is CFStringRef
    kAudioQueueProperty_MagicCookie             = 'aqmc',       // value is void*
    kAudioQueueProperty_MaximumOutputPacketSize = 'xops',       // value is UInt32
    kAudioQueueProperty_StreamDescription       = 'aqft',       // value is AudioStreamBasicDescription
    kAudioQueueProperty_ChannelLayout           = 'aqcl',       // value is AudioChannelLayout
    kAudioQueueProperty_EnableLevelMetering     = 'aqme',       // value is UInt32
    kAudioQueueProperty_CurrentLevelMeter       = 'aqmv',       // value is array of AudioQueueLevelMeterState, 1 per channel
    kAudioQueueProperty_CurrentLevelMeterDB     = 'aqmd',       // value is array of AudioQueueLevelMeterState, 1 per channel

    kAudioQueueProperty_DecodeBufferSizeFrames  = 'dcbf',       // value is UInt32
    kAudioQueueProperty_ConverterError          = 'qcve',       // value is UInt32

    kAudioQueueProperty_EnableTimePitch         = 'q_tp',       // value is UInt32, 0/1
    kAudioQueueProperty_TimePitchAlgorithm      = 'qtpa',       // value is UInt32. See values below.
    kAudioQueueProperty_TimePitchBypass         = 'qtpb',       // value is UInt32, 1=bypassed

15. 添加监听属性

    @function   AudioQueueAddPropertyListener
    @abstract   Adds a listener callback for a property.
        This callback is used to act upon a change in an audio queue property such as
        kAudioQueueProperty_IsRunning. For instance, if your application has a user interface
        with a Play/Stop button, and kAudioQueueProperty_IsRunning changes, you need to update
        your button.
    @param      inAQ
        The audio queue that owns the property you want to assign the listener callback to.
    @param      inID
        The ID of the property to which you want to assign a listener callback. See "Audio Queue Property IDs".
    @param      inProc
        The listener callback to be called when the property value changes.
    @param      inUserData
        A value to be passed to the listener callback when it is called.
        An OSStatus result code.
extern OSStatus
AudioQueueAddPropertyListener(      AudioQueueRef                   inAQ,
                                    AudioQueuePropertyID            inID,
                                    AudioQueuePropertyListenerProc  inProc,
                                    void * __nullable               inUserData)     __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_5,__IPHONE_2_0);

16. 移除监听属性

    @function   AudioQueueRemovePropertyListener
    @abstract   Removes a listener callback for a property.
    @param      inAQ
        The audio queue that owns the property from which you want to remove a listener.
    @param      inID
        The ID of the property from which you want to remove a listener.
    @param      inProc
        The listener being removed.
    @param      inUserData
        The same inUserData value that was previously passed to AudioQueueAddPropertyListener.
        An OSStatus result code.
extern OSStatus
AudioQueueRemovePropertyListener(   AudioQueueRef                   inAQ,
                                    AudioQueuePropertyID            inID,
                                    AudioQueuePropertyListenerProc  inProc,
                                    void * __nullable               inUserData)     __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_5,__IPHONE_2_0);



1. iOS中声音播放的各种方法总结



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