Chapter 19 2017.11.17.

2017-11-17  本文已影响0人  MaggieYuanS


OneDoonesbury comic strip by Garry Trudeau is worth a thousand words of moralizing.

moralize 说教、训导【SYN】preach

But that would have been a sermon, and sermons are the death of humor.

sermon 训诫、说教(含贬义)(非正式)



It was a weird new blight, all the more puzzling because I couldn’t understand...

blight 〔导致烦恼、影响生活或环境的〕有害因素;阴影

[singular 单数] something that makes people unhappy or that spoils their lives or the environment they live in.

the blight of poverty贫穷的不幸

...and undergraduates at Berkeley were dispersed by a helicopter spraying them with Mace.

Disperse 分散、传播、驱散


The targets will change from week to week, but there will never be a dearth of new lunacies and dangers for the humorist to fight.

a dearth of 缺乏

a situation in which there are very few of something that people want or need.

a dearth of job opportunities工作机会的缺乏

They must be willing to go against the grain, to say what the populace and the President may not want to hear.

Go against the grain 背道而驰

Populace 普罗大众


1. 幽默是非虚构写作中用于讨论严肃的话题,提出尖锐观点的方法。表面上荒诞不经的伪装下,其实承载着严肃的命题,他们拒绝人云亦云,要在社会的压力下为真相发声。这种情况下,作者其实是表态:对于某些现象,我看不惯,就是要来唠一唠。但是骂战就免了,有伤风度,还是调侃一下,点到即止,让读者自己去思考吧。

2. 使用幽默时,之前提到的基本写作原则是前提,控制力是关键。不要用低俗的名字去制造没有后劲的笑料,也不要重复同一个笑话。不要刻意寻找怪诞的事情去写,也不要攻击一些很平常的事物。在你所知的真相中,找到笑点。最后,不要太迫切地追求搞笑,读者能被逗笑的频率是有限的。

3. 幽默也不一定要针对严肃的话题,它本质的目的是带给读者愉悦的心情。幽默可以通过戏剧性的对话来达成。对作者来说,幽默是抽象而主观的,不是万花油。

4. Zinsser的幽默写作课程中的训练过程:首先给全班布置同一个话题,要求他们用讽刺的文体进行写作(写作往往是从模仿开始),然后让他们用自己的视角描写自己周遭的事物,一个取材于生活的作家有取之不尽的原材料。

5. 幽默的另一功能就是作者将自己化作故事中的傻瓜蛋,让读者有一种找到同伴知音的安慰或者优越感。他们从努力制造笑料顺带说点事实,到努力还原事实适当添加幽默。

6. 幽默与事实是不可分割的,相互交织在一起的。

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