
2017-06-08  本文已影响0人  跑步的蝎子

#提问#Go by the common and the Highwood, and back by the watermill (水磨) and the river. 这里的common是个名词,但是猜不出来是什么意思@Ling | 薄荷阅读 


#提问#But he just took a good look at it, and then went on as quiet and pleasant as it could be.这里最后一个it是指上文说的马车?quiet and pleasant是形容马车的?@Ling | 薄荷阅读 

It 第二个指的是马。马已经训练得不会受到惊吓 ,还是安安静静 高高兴兴地继续走

#提问#He pulled up a little and looked, but did not move a step to right or left.这里pull up是什么意思@Ling | 薄荷阅读 

Pull up 停了一会儿 固定搭配

#提问#When he brushed my head, he went carefully over my eyes as if they were his own, and never made me angry.这里go over是避开?@Ling | 薄荷阅读 


Go over sth 仔细检查。他小心翼翼地检查马眼睛

#提问#After we had been out two or three times together, we grew quite friendly, which made me feel very much at home.这里feel very much是指很满足吗?有点开始感觉暧昧了[偷笑][偷笑]@Ling | 薄荷阅读 

8. be/feel at home」是一个固定短语,表示“(像在家一样)舒适自在,无拘无束”,除了上面的句子,我们再来举个例子 After a while we began to feel at home with each other. 过了一会儿我们就无拘无束起来。


#提问#We ran, lay down, rolled over on our backs, and ate a little of the sweet grass.这里roll over是打滚?为什么是on our back?@Ling | 薄荷阅读 

Roll over 打滚翻滚。你在翻滚时 是 是背翻过去 翻过来 所以英文里这样固定这样形容,Beauty可以指一切美丽英俊的东西

It’s my opinion that he has not been frightened or ill-used while he was young.感觉对孩子也应该这样,有安全感,会成长得更好

#提问#The next day I was brought up for my master.老师,bring up是养育的意思,这里指被主人牵出去吗?@Ling | 薄荷阅读 

这里是把它牵出来 给主人见见的意思。 最常见意思是养育

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