Yet when Freud's ideas became accepted, he and his followers showed no greater tolerance; in fact, they ostracized and attacked those who challenged any part of his theory. Karen Horney, for example, challenged Freud's view of women as being driven by penis envy. She believed, too, that neurosis is caused not only by frustrated sexual drives but also by various cultural conflicts and that people's behavior is not only determined by instinctual drives but can in many instances be self-directed and modified. For these theories (today widely accepted), she was rewarded with rebuke and ostracism by the Freudian dogmatists.
To overcome either variety of bias toward change, monitor your reac-
tion to new ideas. Don't be surprised if you strongly favor or oppose an
idea the first time you encounter it. However, refuse to endorse your first
impression uncritically. Instead, suspend judgment until you have exam-
fined the idea carefully. If the idea proves insightful and well substantiated, accept it regardless of its oldness or newness; if it is flawed, reject it.