EM STC 复工暖心指南

2020-02-19  本文已影响0人  杨过gg

Dear STC colleagues,

随着疫情逐渐被控制,ESG group在复工指南基础上,帮大家总结了一个STC的关键安全行为自查表,希望大家继续严格执行。
STC ESG group summarized following guidance and arrangements to ensure personnel safety while working at STC.

STC关键安全行为自查表 On-site key individual safety behaviors checklist
- 上车和进入STC请出示健康码 Please show your Health code for site entry screen including shuttle bus onboarding
- 记得戴口罩和勤洗手 Always wear a mask and wash hands frequently
- 保持至少1m的社交距离 Keep at least 1m social distance
- 避免冗长无必要的面对面对话 Avoid prolonged unnecessary face-to-face conversation
- 每日自己需要用除菌湿巾清理自己的工位两次 Clean your workstation by yourself twice per day
- 将废弃口罩丢入一楼入口指定垃圾桶 Dispose used masks in designated trash bin
- 冰箱里面的食物记得盖好盖子 Seal your food in refrigerator
- 为了可持续发展,鼓励午餐时用自带的餐具 Encourage to bring your own utensile for lunch to support sustainability

1 门口处 Before you leave for STC

1-1 家门口 Before you leave home

Please measure your body temperature before you leave home.

1-2 班车点 Shuttle bus station

If your body temperature is normal (<=37.2 ℃), then you are ready to come to work. Please wear a mask before you leave home. Line up to get on the shuttle bus.

19座班车可用座位(绿色打勾部分为可坐的位置) Shuttle bus with 19 seats (Green ticks refer to seats that you can take) 29座班车可用座位(绿色打勾部分为可坐的位置) Shuttle bus with 29 seats (Green ticks refer to seats that you can take) 45座班车可用座位(绿色打勾部分为可坐的位置) Shuttle bus with 45 seats (Green ticks refer to seats that you can take)
1-3 公司门口 Site Entrance

Our security guards will conduct temperature screening at the entrance of STC:

门口贴心体温检查 Entrance screening for visitor and vehicles
1-4 刚进STC At STC

To avoid cross contamination and infection, it's everyone's responsibility for hygiene of his own workstation

Pantry处的消毒纸巾 Disinfecting wipe in pantry area 工位清理 Workstation cleaning

2. 午餐时 Lunch

2-1 刚进入餐厅 In cafeteria

You will see “clean” signage on table

2-2 就餐中 Lunch at cafeteria

Lunch box will be offered.

大家在餐厅有序就餐 Employees having lunch at cafeteria

3. 工作区 Work zone

3-1 电梯处 Elevator

Stand at four corners when taking elevator

电梯可站立区域 Stand at four corners when taking elevator
3-2 垃圾桶 Trash bin

Please dispose used masks in designated trash bin labelled with "used masks collection". The trash bin location is indicated in the picture below

废弃口罩回收处 Used masks collection
3-3 空调 Air condition
空调某时刻温度 The air conditioner temperature at certain moment
3-4 临时隔离室 Temporary quarantine room

In the very unlikely event of anybody feeling unwell, please report to your supervisor. If quarantine is deemed required, , STC 1E1 has been arranged to be a temporary "quarantine room".

以防万一的1E1临时隔离室 Temporary quarantine room
3-5 实用的小技巧 Tips

Here are some tips regarding personal hygiene.

实用的卫生指南,方便你我他 Hygiene tips

4. 写在最后 At the end

We will continue to make updates to this guide. We hope it can continue to keep you and your family members stay safe during this special period.


