

2017-06-18  本文已影响14人  随风老童

总有一些风景(Some scenery)
是我们的想象(even unreachable)
到达不了的地方(by our imagination)

一片叶脉可以绵延数十公里(One leaf can stretch dozens of kilometers)
水和云架起梦中走过的路径(Construct the path in dream with water and cloud)
我们和高中气流周旋着(High up in the sky we tango with air currents)
创造出一个垂直世界(To create a perpendicular world)
陆地边缘奔腾着生命的律动(Life rhythm gallops on the edge of land)
密林深处回荡着古老部落的传说(Deep in the woods echoes folklore from ancient tribes)
高山之巅隐藏着上古神兽的踪迹(Mountain peak hides traces of Paleozoic beasts)

俯瞰云下的世界(See the world from above)
是上天造物的秘密(Behind them lie the Creator's secrets)

*** 新疆 吐鲁番 鄯善沙漠 Shanshan Desert TurPan,Xinjiang***
数亿年前(Hundreds of millions of years ago)
这里的鱼群和沙子一样多(There were as many fish as there are sand now)

江西 九江 庐山 西海 West Sea of LuShan Mountain Jiujiang,Jiangxi
如果潜到水面之下(Diving in the water)
会发现我们正在飞越的(Is actually flying over)
是一座座山顶(A row of mountains)

陕西 秦岭 原始森林 Primeval Forests in Qinling Mountains Shaanxi
蓬勃的生命(Vigorous life)
在此周而复始地循环(Travels in the life circle over and over)
直到山林改写了它的基因密码(Until wooded mountain overwrites its genetic code)

海南 文昌 椰林长廊 Coconut Forest Wenchang,Hainan*
直到海水更新了它的流浪轨迹(Until the sea renews its wandering trail)

江西 赣州 上堡梯田 Shangbao Terraces Ganzhou,Jiangxi
我们对这里的生活极尽耐心(We have infinite patience with this land)

江西 铅山 古法造纸 Ancient Papermaking Yanshan Jiangxi
在纤维之上提取智慧的载体(Wisdom is born on the fiber extract)

陕西 榆林 沙漠农业灌溉 Agricultural Irrigation in the Desert Yulin,Shaanxi
在沙漠深处创造生命的能量(Life energy is created deep in the desert)

江西 鄱阳湖 生态养殖 Ecological Aquaculture Poyang Lake,Jiangxi

海南 陵水 疍家渔排 Fishing Raft of Danjia Fishermen Lingshui,Hainan
日子过得像浮萍(Time passes away like duckweed fades away)

新疆 哈萨克族 牧民转场 Herdsmen Migration of the Kazakhs Xinjiang
生活又必须逆风而行(We are designed to march against the wind)

江西 南昌 滕王阁 Tengwang Pavilion Nanchang,Jiangxi
上千年的历史跨度(The span of hundreds of years)
就是从此岸抵达了彼岸(Is just the gap between tow shores)

陕西 西安 十三朝古都 Ancient Capital of 13 Dynasties Xi'an,Shaanxi
六百年的暮鼓晨钟(Morning bell and evening drum last for six hundred years)
保持着先人们的时间惯性(Accordingly ancestors sensed the passage of time)

上海 陆家嘴 Lujiazui,Shanghai
几十年前(Decades ago)
这里的渔民(Fishermen dreamed)
还在憧憬外面的世界(the outside world)
现在(But now)
它已汇集了半个世界的期待(Half of the world's expectations are focused here)

全新视角(Brand new perspectives)
俯瞰几天的中国(See today's China from above)
系列纪录片(Documentary series)
航拍中国(Aerial China)
带您一起(Bring you together)
天际遨游(Aerial odyssey)


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