
其他人做过什么事情让你觉得他们聪明绝顶? 译自Quora

2016-09-12  本文已影响0人  诸葛恐龙


What did someone do that made you think they were really smart?


本文并非该问题的完整翻译,仅选择其中本人觉得有趣的回答进行翻译,各位看官就当看段子图个乐吧(。ˇε ˇ。)




D.J. Hoskins的回答:原文链接

When I was in high school our physics teacher gave us a challenge that involved making a paper air plane of any shape. The only objective was to get it to fly as far as possible. I had some paper air plane making skills so I made the best plane I could and it flew pretty far.


One guy made the greatest, yet simplest paper airplane of all time. He stood there at the starting line with a regular piece of paper. Some classmates scratched their head while silently chuckling to themselves. Moments later he took the flat piece of paper, crumpled it up, and threw it down the hall way.
He beat the class with ease.



Some of the students got mad and said that he cheated.
The physics teacher said, "How so? I said it could be any shape. A paper ball is indeed a shape."
He won the contest with flying colors.
"Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see."
—Arthur Schopenhauer
I still regard this classmate as a genius.







Teodor Mavrodiev(这哥们我目测是个段子手)的回答:原文链接

I once saw a homeless man ask for money in the most intriguing fashion.……

If I had to estimate, I'd say he was successful about 95% of the time.

Why did he have such a great success rate, while a lot of others can barely get people to look at them?

He had gotten his hands on a bunch yellow papers, that seemed a lot like car tickets, especially from far away, but were instead, innocent advertisements.

They looked something like this.







What he did was rather brilliant. He hung around a coffee place where people frequently stopped. He then placed one of these papers on their windshield. When they started going back to their cars, they would see the paper and think that they'd gotten a ticket.

They would start fuming and get really upset, until they actually got close enough to see that it was just an ad.



At this moment, this guy would approach them and ask for a few bucks. His victims almost never refused, because they were so happy to get away with the ticket that nearly all of them ended up giving him some change almost automatically.

What made it even cooler was that then, they would often simply throw the ticket in the nearest bin, or just on the floor next to the car, providing him with useful ammunition.



Bethany Baker的回答:原文链接

I used to evaluate 4 year-olds for admission to a private kindergarten. The testing involved puzzles, games and questions, but the most impressive thing I saw a child do had nothing to do with the test itself.

A boy was trying to get some markers off of a wire shelf like this:




One marker fell to the floor and rolled under the bottom shelf, where the boy couldn't reach it. I assumed he'd either ignore it or ask for a grown up to help. Instead, the boy grabbed a few other markers and clicked them together like this:



He then swept the line of markers under the shelf to get the stray one back. Pretty smart!


Sharib Jafari的回答:原文链接我觉得有必要说明一下答主来自印度

In our office, we have installed a gas stove to cook tea and occasional light meals for ourselves.

One day, a guy took up the responsibility to prepare tea but couldn't find the match box.

我们办公室有个煤气炉,我们一般用来烧水泡茶(不太清楚印度人cook tea是个什么套路,不过这不影响我们看这个段子)或者热个饭什么的。


Immediately a search began for the match box but no one could find it. We were too lazy to go outside and buy a new matchbox and none of the folks present that day at office had a lighter or a matchbox to offer. I was least bothered as I hardly drink tea but for others it meant having to do with the flask full of shitty tea our office helper gets for us (Sorry Bablu bhaiyya if you ever read this, but the tea you bring really is horrible).

While others were thinking of giving up, a guy (Sameer) brought this (see image)

大伙儿立即发动一起找火柴盒可是哪儿都找不到。我们这群懒鬼都不想跑出去买新的,那天在场的人里也没人随身带着打火机或火柴盒。我是不在意啦,因为我不太喝茶。但是对其他人来说这就意味着他们这天只能喝办公室助手准备的茶壶里那屎一般难喝的茶水了。(对不起了,Bablu bhaiyya,如果你看到这篇文章,不过你带来的茶确实超级难喝)



Now, if you are unfamiliar with this device, this is a flyswatter. This badminton racket like device has high-voltage generator inside it, powered by a small rechargeable battery. Pressing the tiny button on its handle activates the electrically charged metal grid which electrocutes any mosquitoes/flys touching the grid.


The way it works is, when a conductive object (mosquito) touches the grid, an attached capacitor discharges as a spark jumps through that object. This discharge kills the mosquito or at least stuns it.


So this guy gets this device. Places it on top of the stove burner. Switches on the stove as well as the flyswatter. Then touches the grid with a knife. A spark jumps up and tada... the stove is lit.

Pretty smart.



Liz Hermosa的回答:原文链接

I wanted to teach my daughters how to appreciate my hard work sustaining us being a single mom… Since I’m often requested to provide expensive toys and gadgets.


I gave them $50 dollars each and said the first to double that money in a period of 15 days would keep the initial money, the profits, and receive the amount of $200 as a prize.

I was honestly expecting they would keep the $50 bucks and purchase some toys next time we went shopping.

I was so wrong!!!!




Three days after that D. approaches me with $100 bill in her hand, she stood in front of me without saying anything, just waiting for those $200 to be pulled out of my wallet.

I was very impressed and surprised, I didn't noticed any small businesses going on…. I ain't see any “€1 lemonade“ on the driveway going home… But how?



Turns out that D. And G. ( my daughters‘ first name initials) made a deal ! They would give the one’s $50 bucks to the another so when she wins the challenge they could split it up and walk away with a fare $150 half of the total.



What made it even better is they asked their grandpa to provide them a $100 bill for the two $50 dollars bills they each had. After that, they agreed D. would be selected for winning the challenge since she was one year older then G. But guess who was the one who came up with the idea and the whole plan?


It was G.

At that time D. was 6 years old and G. was 5.

I had to pay them the $200’s since I never specified how the money had to be doubled.

Well played G. , well played my precious daughter. - Hey, TEAM: Nice Job!

Since then I have never made business deal again with my daughters without writing down a very detailed set of rules for my own protection!









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