2022-09-11 Are Your Beliefs Serv

2022-09-11  本文已影响0人  春生阁

Your beliefs create your destiny because they are the imprint upon which the future is cast. Take a moment and reflect on your current beliefs. Think about how you acquired them and whether they have changed over time?

Many of us form beliefs when we’re young and hold on to them with strong conviction. If our beliefs are challenged, we respond angrily because of their importance in our lives.

But what if our beliefs are not working for us? For instance, I recall growing up, the importance of working hard to earn a living. This was my belief for the past three decades.

My parents immigrated to this country in the late fifties and worked hard to make a life in a new country. From their perspective, working hard equated to the success required to thrive in their new surroundings.

Nowadays, with the tech boom we have seen countless young entrepreneurs become multi millionaires and billionaires overnight. The painstaking hard work my parents were familiar with has been replaced with big ideas and innovation.

The point I wish to make is: we must upgrade our beliefs as our life circumstances change.

Many beliefs are passed down from one generation to another and are rarely questioned. What about you? Are your beliefs serving you? How do you know? You need only look to your present circumstances to see whether your beliefs are working for you or against you.

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