

2018-11-08  本文已影响25人  CoderMiner

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felangel/bloc stars:75 forks:4

项目描述:The goal of this package is to make it easy to implement the BLoC Design Pattern (Business Logic Component).

jorgecoca/ozzie.flutter stars:48 forks:1

项目描述:Ozzie is your testing friend. Ozzie will take an screenshot during integration tests whenever you need.

KinsomyJS/muses_weather_flutter stars:31 forks:2

项目描述:weather application developed by flutter

ZaraclaJ/flutter_custom_slider stars:28 forks:1

pedromassango/xtimer-flutter-app stars:27 forks:7

项目描述:Flutter timer app

txy199292/gank_io stars:27 forks:3

项目描述:Flutter 干货集中营客户端

simolus3/tinano stars:23 forks:3

项目描述:A typesafe sqlite persistence library for flutter

iampawan/FlutterGameOfThrones stars:22 forks:5

ariedov/flutter_snaplist stars:19 forks:4

项目描述:A small library for creating snapping lists.

bluemix/gradient-widgets stars:14 forks:1

项目描述:Flutter widgets wrapped with gradients

Im-Kevin/cool_ui stars:14 forks:0


yumi0629/FlutterUI stars:12 forks:3

项目描述:A repository to teach you draw

xdk78/schools stars:12 forks:2

项目描述:Schools - Multi dziennik Librus & Vulcan

longhoang2984/flutter_survey_app stars:11 forks:4

项目描述:Flutter Survey App concept

VolodymyrLykhonis/image_crop stars:11 forks:3

项目描述:A flutter plugin to crop image on iOS and Android.

flutter-devs/flutter_charts_demo stars:11 forks:0

项目描述:A Flutter app to showcase different types of Graphs.

RayOkaah/Flutter_Whatsapp_clone stars:10 forks:4

项目描述:A WhatsApp UI Clone to help those starting out with Flutter

rvamsikrishna/flutter_fluid_slider stars:10 forks:2

项目描述:A fluid design slider that works just like the Slider material widget.

flutter-devs/flutter_OTPDemo stars:10 forks:0

项目描述:A Flutter app to showcase OTP UI.

quentinleguennec/flutter-slide-container stars:10 forks:0

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