Sort 各类算法和时间复杂度分析
此文章目的:能够口述出算法how it works
Algorithm | Time Complexity(Worst) | Time Complexity(Average) | Space complexity |
Insertion sort | O(n2) | O( n) | O(1) |
Merge sort | O(nlog(n)) | O( nlog(n)) | O(n) |
Heapsort | O(n log(n)) | O(n log(n)) | O(1) |
Quicksort | O(n2) | O(n log(n)) | O(n) |
Counting sort | O(n log(n)) | O(n) | O(n) |
Conclustion: heapsort and mergesort are asymtotically optimal comparison sort
Insertion Sort
for index 1 to n as i ,choose the [i]th number as key.
Compare key with the numbers before it
//In this step above, the best case time is n,the worst case is n2.
If numbers > key,
shift it back one
until the find the number is small than key,
put the numbers behind it.
(which actually in coding is the last number's index who is > key )
Attention:For insertion sort, the array before the Key is always sorted.
Merge Sort
Merge Algorithm:
Given array A ,start ,mid ,end.
Divide it to two arrays.
For start to end,
compare two array,
put the smaller one on the position of A
Merge Sort Algorithm:
Use recursion to divided array into small pieces
Then merge them
Use array's index to build a binary tree
Parent(i) : return [i/2] Left(i):return 2i Right(i):return 2i+1
MAX-HEAP algorithm:
only consider three nodes(parent left right) construct,
put the biggest one on parent
if the biggest one if not parent itself
recursion the biggest one's index
The step above is necessary because in BUILD-MAX-HEAP process, the parents(which is already sorted as biggest)might change. Because we are doing max-heapify from down to top.
BUILD-MAX-HEAP algorithm:
for [A.length/2] to 1 as i,
HEAPSORT algorithm:
continuously swap the heap with last one
and MAX-HEAPIFY remain array.
Implementation: Priority queues
PARITION algorithm:
choose end as axis ,
for j from start to end-1
if A[i] < axis,
put it from the begin
(starts from i,every swap,i++)
End for loop, swap axis with A[i+1]
//which means before the axis there totall has i numbers < axis
return i+1,which is the new PARITION line
QUICKSORT algorithm:
first partition whole arrays,
get the PARITION line,
use recursion to continue PARITION while(p<r?)
Counting Sort
Use a new array C,
C[i] contains the number of elements equal to i in array A
Then C[i] contains the number of elements less than or equal to i
Use a new array B as output,
B[C[A[j]]] = A[j], C[A[j]] --
Bucket Sort
类似hash, Array 里面装链表或者list