Xterm.js 终端对于部分文字进行颜色添加支持

2019-12-09  本文已影响0人  OldG

Xterm.js 有修改Theme主题颜色,但是没有进行某个或某段单独修改颜色的Api
**Tyriar ** datetime="2018-09-12T16:06:26Z"
Well the normal way to do this is to configure ls to use colors and define LS_COLORS for what to use. If you didn't want to do that, sure it's possible to listen to ls output and decorate it, I wouldn't recommend it though on performance/reliability grounds.
一个小tips:文字前加上八进制(红色)"\033[0;31m Hello World" 由后端输出,前端js 由于某些标准原因不会识别并报出 Don't use octal: '\033'. Use '\u....' instead.这个错误。

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