1. 看美剧电影V.S.看原版书,学习策略和底层逻辑相同。
2. 大原则,按目的学习,真正学到手(不要记了好多笔记,但是啥也没学到手)
3. 为什么用电影和英美剧学英语?
△ 有意思。△ 语言灵活。△ 口音多样。
△ conversation starter打开话匣子(一定要记住电影的英文名字,这样才可以聊起来)
4. 在电影院看电影学英文
△ 位置(不影响他人)△ 工具(手机,小纸条,imdb quotes)△ 产出
5. 物尽其用:读影评,写笔记,读原著,背金句
6. 看剧前先分类,这样知道自己怎么看(pigeonhole)
剧情:没完没了 / 随看随学
主题:生活(摩登家庭/老友记)/专业(实习医生格蕾)/surreal (权力的游戏)
口味:Impish有点污(瑞克莫蒂) / Clean
电影:All-encompassing 包罗万象的
7. Put it in perspective
不要要求100%听懂:live with it 。
不要想速成。延迟满足感。Delaying Gratification。
8. 按需求看剧()
9. 有哪些地方可以模仿
10. 借鉴Eric的习惯
①. 用段子手的心态学习
②. 学过不等于掌握,听懂不代表会用
③. 截图大法好(截图之后要备注为什么截图!!!我就是截图之后老是找不到。。)
④. 微博记录
11. 不要怕忘了,忘了就再记呗 (不要暗示自己,我记性不好)
1. 集数可以用part:10-part TV show 十集的电视剧
2. un- 的灵活运用:we've been together and untogether 有时候在一起有时候分开 unsend the email 撤回邮件
3. 谢谢的回答 Yep
4. 肯定有条件:There must be conditions. There's gotta be a catch.
(All that money for only two hours’ work--what's the catch? 才干俩小时活就给这么多钱,有什么鬼?
5. 你敢接受挑战吗?Dare to take the Challenge? You got the balls for it?
6. 肖申克的救赎金句
① I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright.
② Remember, Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good things ever dies.
7. Star trek金句:May the force be with you.
8. 重返17岁金句:When you're young,everything feelings like the end of the world. It's not. It's just the beginning. You might have to meet a few more jerks, but one day, you're gonna meet a by who treats you the way you deserve to be treated. Like the sun rises and sets with you.
9. 有点假 cheesy
10. 全民情敌(Hitch)金句:Never lie, steal, cheat, or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love. if you must steal, steal away from bad company. if you must cheat, cheat death. And if you must drink, drink in the moments that take your breath away. (Ladies and gentlemen, I think this is the moment. Bottoms up.)
11. 我同意你说的:I'm on board with you.
12. 说人刻板,非得按规矩来:Employee of the month!Give him a medal!
13. boom (“啪”一下就怎么样了)自己造句,关于闪婚:Three days later, boom, they became a married couple!
14. spin-off 延伸剧
15. go south,go downhill 走下坡路
16. sleep on it 想想再做决定
17. 朋友帮忙你带了东西,非得给朋友钱的时候: I don't expect you to go out of pocket. Go ahead, reimburse yourself.
18. say-so:On sb' say-so仅凭他的一面之词。I have no say-so 我没有权利
19. 抱大腿 ride on someone else‘s coattails
20. 形容特别冷:I'm talking cold that'll freeze the snot right in your nose.
21. True that. 替换 I agree. Indeed.
22. 搞副业: cook up on the side
23. 直白得告诉你:break it to you. (这里想到ease you into this 慢慢告诉)
24. 很丧的爱情观
25. my rock 我的靠山,永远支持我
26. I'm no biologist 我又不是什么生物学家 跟I'm not是有区别的
27. 我了解 I’m aware
28. why don't we just take a quick five 休息五分钟
29. 脸不能见人:You have a face for the closet/radio
The Marvelous Mrs Maisel,
Rick and Morty
Sex Eduction
Star war
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Better call saul
Mind your language
Silicon Valley
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