
2020-05-21  本文已影响0人  Pentacle_V



euphoria: a feeling of great elation 精神欢快

sultry 湿热的

laze around 混日子,消磨时光

enticing 诱人的

be liable to explode 有……的倾向

bemoan 哀叹

count against 认为……不利于

in fits of hysterical laughter 发作

slightly overdo 不用吹灰之力

preside over 主持

preoccupied air (calm, dignified and affectionated) 全神贯注

left to their own devices 任其自己去做某事

be cooped up 被关起来

unqualified disaster: complete; not limited by any negative qualities 完全的

vindictive pleasure 怀有报复心的乐趣

a series of potholes 泥坑

squish: walk through mud or mire

into the quagmire=mire 沼泽泥潭

be averted 无法避免

not being on speaking terms with 不谈,不开腔,不多说

stoutly 坚决地

get off 免受惩罚

tall and strapping 结实

the makings of ……素质,……潜力

the clutter of 乱七八糟的

overpower 使无法忍受

writhe on the ground 痛苦打滚

sagging 撇嘴,嘴巴下垂

drift off(to sleep) 入睡

presume to 擅自

far-fetched 胡扯

a loing-awaited 等待着

skulk 潜伏进入

poke her head around the door  刺探

overrule 驳回

catch you out使陷入困境,抓住

go berserk 狂暴起来

flailing 四肢乱动

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