【英语学习笔记】碳排放 carbon emissions

2017-07-25  本文已影响0人  Bluce学英语

✸✸The world’s largest coal mining companies need to show how they will reduce their carbon emissions to meet global climate targets under the Paris accord,according toan investor-backed group led by the Church of England.

1) according to 英 [əˈkɔ:dɪŋ tə]   美 [əˈkɔ:rdɪŋ tə]  na.根据,按照;据…所说;如;比照

EgPhilip stayed at the hotel, according to Mr Hemming


翻译:根据以英国圣公会(Church of England)为首的一个投资者组织的说法,全球各大煤炭开采企业必须展示他们将如何降低碳排放以实现巴黎协议下的全球气候变化目标。​

✸✸Only two of the 20 largest listed coal companies — Rio Tinto and Brazil’s Vale — have long-term targets for reducing their emissions, according to a reportpublishedon Tuesday by the Transition Pathway Initiative, acoalitionof investment funds with £34tn under management.

1) publish 英 [ˈpʌblɪʃ]   美 [ˈpʌblɪʃ]  vt.& vi.出版,发行;发表,宣布(结婚等);公布,颁布;出版…的著作

EgThey publish reference books


短语:publish in the newspaper 登报

EgWhatever the organizational model, though, neither department can tell the otherwhat to publish in the newspaper.


2)coalition英 [ˌkəʊəˈlɪʃn]   美 [ˌkoʊəˈlɪʃn]n.联合;同盟;结合体;(两党或多党)联合政府

EgSince June the country has had a coalition government


短语:coalition government英 [ˌkəuəˈliʃən ˈɡʌvənmənt]  美 [ˌkoəˈlɪʃən ˈɡʌvənmənt]


EgThe Social Democrats say they are ready after all to begin talks on joining a coalition government.


翻译:由旗下总共管理着34万亿英镑资产的多只投资基金组成的联盟“过渡路径行动”(Transition Pathway Initiative)周二发布的一份报告,20家最大上市煤炭企业中,只有两家(力拓(Rio Tinto)和巴西淡水河谷(Vale))制定了降低排放的长期目标。​

✸✸Three coal companies, DMCI Holdings, Inner Mongolia Yitai Coal, and Shougang Fushan Resources Group, do not even acknowledge climate change, the study said. The reportcomes afterthe Paris climate change agreement to limit global warming to below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levelscame into effectlast November.

1)come after 英 [kʌm ˈɑ:ftə]   美 [kʌm ˈæftɚ]  跟着…来,跟在…后面

EgThe reforms come after decades of hostility to revisionism.


2)came into effect 起效

EgThe law came into effect on new year's day.


翻译:该研究报告表示,DMCI控股公司(DMCI Holdings)、内蒙古伊泰煤炭股份有限公司(Inner Mongolia Yitai Coal)和首钢福山资源集团(Shougang Fushan Resources Group)这三家企业甚至不承认存在气候变化问题。该报告发布之前,巴黎气候变化协定在去年11月份生效,旨在将全球升温幅度限制在比工业化之前水平高2摄氏度以内。​

✸✸“We still need tobe able toassess the future carbon reductions of these companies against the globally agreed 2 degree pathway,” said Adam Matthews, head ofengagementfor the almost £10bn of pension and investment funds of the Church of England.

1)be able to 英 [bi: ˈeibl tu:]   美 [bi ˈebəl tu]  v.能够;能,会;克

EgThey may be able to help with childcare so that you can have a break


2)engagement 英 [ɪnˈgeɪdʒmənt]   美 [ɛnˈɡedʒmənt]  n.约会;订婚,婚约;约定,契约;雇用

EgHe had an engagement at a restaurant in Greek Street at eight.


短语:engage in 英 [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ in]   美 [ɪn'gedʒ ɪn]  经营;参加,从事,忙于;业

EgIndustry leaders want scientists to engage in fundamental research, not appliedresearch.


翻译:英国圣公会规模近100亿英镑的养老金和投资基金的社会参与主管亚当•马修斯(Adam Matthews)表示:“我们仍然需要有能力评估一下,针对全球同意的2摄氏度目标的实现路径,这些企业未来的碳排放减少量应为多少。”​

✸✸While many large investors haveshunnedcoal, shares in producers have returned 38 per cent over the past year, according to the VanEck Vectors Coal ETF.

1)shunned v.避开,回避,避免( shun的过去式和过去分词 )

EgThis extremist organization has shunned conventional politics.


翻译:根据VanEck Vectors Coal ETF的说法,尽管许多大型投资者已回避煤炭,但过去一年里煤炭生产商的股票已产生38%的回报。​

✸✸Benchmark Australianthermal coalprices more than doubled in 2016 and briefly rose above $100 a tonne after Chinaimposedcurbsonits domestic producers.

1)thermal coal 动力煤;热煤;电煤;燃煤

EgCoking coal is used to make steel, while power plants provide a market for thermalcoal.


2)impose on 英 [imˈpəuz ɔn]   美 [ɪmˈpoz ɑn]  把…加于;强与…为伴;使硬缠着;给…带来麻烦

EgWhy should you let this fellow impose on you?



​ ​✸✸Whiledemand forcoal is declining in the developed world, it is not likely to peak in China until 2026, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance. Coal will stillmake up30 per cent of the power-generation mix of the country in 2040, the research group said in a recent report.

1)demand for 英 [diˈmɑ:nd fɔ:]   美 [dɪˈmænd fɔr]  要求…

EgSurging imports will add to the demand for hard currency.


2) make up 英 [meik ʌp]   美 [mek ʌp]  组成;化妆;补足;编造

EgNorth Africans make up the largest and poorest immigrant group in the country


翻译:根据彭博新能源财经(Bloomberg New Energy Finance)的说法,尽管发达国家对煤炭的需求正在下滑,但中国对煤炭的需求不太可能在2026年之前见顶。该研究组织在近期一份报告中表示,2040年煤炭占中国发电能源结构的比重仍将达到30%。​

✸✸Greater transparency on action by mining companies could help investors and index providers better judge which companies weredealing withclimate change, rather than avoiding coal companies altogether, said Jon Samuel, head of social performance and engagement at Anglo American.

1)deal with 英 [di:l wið]   美 [dil wɪð]  应付; 对待;惠顾; 与…交易

EgIn dealing with suicidal youngsters, our aims should be clear


2)Deal with a man as he deals with you. 以其人之道还治其人之身

翻译:英美资源集团(Anglo American)社会表现及参与主管乔恩•塞缪尔(Jon Samuel)表示,提高采矿企业行动透明度可能有助于投资者和指数提供商更好地判断哪些企业在应对气候变化——而不是完全回避煤炭企业。​

✸✸The study,conductedby the London School of Economics and Politics, tracked companies through five levels based on 14 questions related to climate change. Only three companiesmade it tothe top level, Anglo American, BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto, but none of them met all of the criteria in that top level, it said.

1) conducted 英 [kənˈdʌktɪd]   美 [kənˈdʌktɪd]  vt.实施;为人;指挥(军队,乐队等);[物]传导(热,电等)vt.& vi.引导,带领 vi.指挥乐队 v. 传导;引导( conduct的过去式和过去分词 );带领;控制

EgAnalyses were conducted on the raw data.


短语:conducted by 由…指挥

EgThe study was conducted by Gothenburg University and Lund University in Sweden carried out by researchers.


2)make it to 赶上,到达

EgSo you did make it to America, after all.


翻译:这项由伦敦政治经济学院(London School of Economics and Political Science)开展的研究,根据与气候变化有关的14个问题,将相关企业经跟踪研究后划分为五个级别。该研究报告表示,只有英美资源集团、必和必拓(BHP Billiton)和力拓被划到了最高级别,不过这三家企业也没有一家达到最高级别的所有评价标准。​

✸✸In addition, only seven out of the 20 largest listed coal mining companies reported the emissions from the downstream burning of their coal, so-called lifecycle carbon emissions.

1)in addition 英 [in əˈdiʃən]   美 [ɪn əˈdɪʃən]  adv.另外;并且;除此之外;况且

You need money and time; in addition, you need diligence.




