This closed- mindedness is terri
If you’re like most people, you have no clue how other people see things and aren’t good at seeking to understand what they are thinking, because you’re too preoccupied with telling them what you yourself think is correct. In other words, you are closed-minded; you presume too much. This closed- mindedness is terribly costly; it causes you to miss out on all sorts of wonderful possibilities and dangerous threats that other people might be showing you—and it blocks criticism that could be constructive and even lifesaving.
如果你跟大多数人一样,那么你就不会明白 其他人看待事物的方式,也不善于探求其他人的 想法,因为你一心只想着告诉对方自己认为正确 的想法。换句话说,你是一个头脑封闭的人,有 太多先入之见。头脑封闭的代价极为高昂:当其 他人向你展示各种美妙的可能性和可怕的威胁 时,你会视而不见;当其他人提出可能是建设性 甚至能救命的批评时,你也不能领会。
The end result of these two barriers is that parties in disagreements typically remain convinced that they’re right—and often end up angry at each other. This is illogical and leads to suboptimal decision making. After all, when two people reach opposite conclusions, someone must be wrong. Shouldn’t you want to make sure that someone isn’t you?
这两大障碍造成的最终结果是,出现意见分 歧的各方通常始终坚信自己是对的,而且往往以 彼此发怒告终。这是不理性的,也会导致人们无 法做出最优决策。人们觉得,当两个人得出相反 的结论时,必有一个是错的。你不想那个错的人 是你,这有什么不对吗?