41、April 17,1952
2022-02-05 本文已影响0人
MARKS & CO., Booksellers
84, Charing Cross Road
London, W.C. 2
17th April, 1952
Miss Helene Hanff
14 East 95th Street
New York 28, New York
Dear Helene (you see I don’t care about the
files any more),
You will be pleased to know we have
just purchased a private library which
includes a very nice copy of Walton’s
Compleat Angler and hope to have it to send
you next week, price approximately $2.25
and your credit balance with us is more
than enough to cover it.
Your Ellery Queen scripts sound rather
fun. I wish we could have the chance of
seeing some of them on our TV over here—it
wants livening up a bit (our TV I mean, not
your script).
Nora and all here join me in sending
our best wishes,
Your faithfully,
Frank Doel