Day 28-泰勒.斯威夫特演唱会用人脸识别揪出跟踪狂
Taylor Swift used facial recognition software to detect stalkers at LA concert
stalker 跟踪者,(尤指)跟踪骚扰女性者
The periphery of a Taylor Swift concert is as thought out as the show she presents on stage.
periphery n. 外围,周边
造句:Many of the developing countries are being kept on the periphery of the global financial system.
thought out adj. 经过(仔细或仓促)思考的 a well-thought-out plan
Beyond the traditional merchandise stands, there are often dedicated selfie-staging points and staff distributing light-up bracelets.(荧光手环)
merchandise n. 商品,货物 merchandise the new product
stand 货摊,台子 a newspaper stand 报刊亭
dedicated 专用的,专门的;尽心尽力的 a dedicated teacher, a dedicated computer
staging point n. 待命区,中转站,补给站
类似表达:staging area (军事中)集结待命的地区,staging post 中转站,staging base 海军集结基地
bracelet 手环
fans could watch rehearsal clips at a special kiosk
rehearsal 排练,排演,彩排 rehearse v.
kiosk = stand 售货亭 ticket kiosk 取票亭
What they didn't know was that a facial recognition camera inside the structure was taking their photographs and cross-referencing the images with a database held in Nashville of hundreds of Swift's known stalkers, according to a Rolling Stone report.
facial recognition 人脸识别(技术)
cross-reference 互相参照,交叉对照
concerts are technically private events, and Swift has no obligation to notify ticket holders that they may be surveilled
technically 严格意义上
surveil 监视,监控 surveillance 造句:You are under surveillance.
In September, she got a restraining order against Eric Swarbrick, who had been harassing her with letters threatening rape and murder since September 2016.
restraining order (法院发出的)限制令
harass 骚扰,使烦恼 (harassment n.)
threaten v. 威胁,预示着(危险)
Jaffar was sentenced to six month in jail and five years' probation having been convicted for burglary
be sentenced to 被判处(刑罚) be sentenced to death
probation 缓刑
convict (在法庭上)宣判...有罪 He has been convicted of robbery.
burglary n. 入室盗窃(罪)
The 31-year-old, who was wanted for "economic crimes", was located among a crowd of 60,000 concert goers.
wanted adj.(因犯罪)被警方通缉的 He is a wanted man. 通缉犯
goer (在性生活方面)想尝试新花样的人 partygoer 派对动物