Metal官方文档-Performing Calculation

2020-08-11  本文已影响0人  怪客半

Example In GitHub

看了一些大佬的Metal文章,大致了解了Metal,今天开始磕官方文档。单词储备捉急,只能借助度娘翻译(公司的网络对Goole翻译做了限制,然后发现度娘意外的好用呢),之前看的一些忘了记录(在Example In GitHub中可以找到所有的记录),想到后续要回来翻阅,为了避免重复翻译,就把后面的记录一下,也可以放慢速度,给大脑一些记忆的时间。


Get a Reference to the Metal Function


The first thing the initializer does is load the function and prepare it to run on the GPU. When you build the app, Xcode compiles the add_arrays function and adds it to a default Metal library that it embeds in the app. You use MTLLibrary and MTLFunction objects to get information about Metal libraries and the functions contained in them. To get an object representing the add_arrays function, ask the MTLDevice to create a MTLLibrary object for the default library, and then ask the library for a MTLFunction object that represents the shader function.



- (instancetype) initWithDevice: (id<MTLDevice>) device
    self = [super init];
    if (self)
        _mDevice = device;

        NSError* error = nil;

        // Load the shader files with a .metal file extension in the project

        id<MTLLibrary> defaultLibrary = [_mDevice newDefaultLibrary];
        if (defaultLibrary == nil)
            NSLog(@"Failed to find the default library.");
            return nil;

        id<MTLFunction> addFunction = [defaultLibrary newFunctionWithName:@"add_arrays"];
        if (addFunction == nil)
            NSLog(@"Failed to find the adder function.");
            return nil;

Prepare a Metal Pipeline

The function object is a proxy for the MSL function, but it’s not executable code. You convert the function into executable code by creating a pipeline. A pipeline specifies the steps that the GPU performs to complete a specific task. In Metal, a pipeline is represented by a pipeline state object. Because this sample uses a compute function, the app creates a MTLComputePipelineState object.


_mAddFunctionPSO = [_mDevice newComputePipelineStateWithFunction: addFunction error:&error];

A compute pipeline runs a single compute function, optionally manipulating the input data before running the function, and the output data afterwards.
When you create a pipeline state object, the device object finishes compiling the function for this specific GPU. This sample creates the pipeline state object synchronously and returns it directly to the app. Because compiling does take a while, avoid creating pipeline state objects synchronously in performance-sensitive code.


编译需要时间,所以在初始化的时候创建pipelien state对象。

All of the objects returned by Metal in the code you’ve seen so far are returned as objects that conform to protocols. Metal defines most GPU-specific objects using protocols to abstract away the underlying implementation classes, which may vary for different GPUs. Metal defines GPU-independent objects using classes. The reference documentation for any given Metal protocol make it clear whether you can implement that protocol in your app.


Create a Command Queue

To send work to the GPU, you need a command queue. Metal uses command queues to schedule commands. Create a command queue by asking the MTLDevice for one.


_mCommandQueue = [_mDevice newCommandQueue];

Create Data Buffers and Load Data


After initializing the basic Metal objects, you load data for the GPU to execute. This task is less performance critical, but still useful to do early in your app’s launch.
A GPU can have its own dedicated memory, or it can share memory with the operating system. Metal and the operating system kernel need to perform additional work to let you store data in memory and make that data available to the GPU. Metal abstracts this memory management using resource objects. (MTLResource). A resource is an allocation of memory that the GPU can access when running commands. Use a MTLDevice to create resources for its GPU.
The sample app creates three buffers and fills the first two with random data. The third buffer is where add_arrays will store its results.


_mBufferA = [_mDevice newBufferWithLength:bufferSize options:MTLResourceStorageModeShared];
_mBufferB = [_mDevice newBufferWithLength:bufferSize options:MTLResourceStorageModeShared];
_mBufferResult = [_mDevice newBufferWithLength:bufferSize options:MTLResourceStorageModeShared];

[self generateRandomFloatData:_mBufferA];
[self generateRandomFloatData:_mBufferB];

The resources in this sample are (MTLBuffer) objects, which are allocations of memory without a predefined format. Metal manages each buffer as an opaque collection of bytes. However, you specify the format when you use a buffer in a shader. This means that your shaders and your app need to agree on the format of any data being passed back and forth.


When you allocate a buffer, you provide a storage mode to determine some of its performance characteristics and whether the CPU or GPU can access it. The sample app uses shared memory (storageModeShared), which both the CPU and GPU can access.


To fill a buffer with random data, the app gets a pointer to the buffer’s memory and writes data to it on the CPU. The add_arrays function in Listing 2 declared its arguments as arrays of floating-point numbers, so you provide buffers in the same format:


- (void) generateRandomFloatData: (id<MTLBuffer>) buffer
    float* dataPtr = buffer.contents;

    for (unsigned long index = 0; index < arrayLength; index++)
        dataPtr[index] = (float)rand()/(float)(RAND_MAX);

Create a Command Buffer

Ask the command queue to create a command buffer.


id<MTLCommandBuffer> commandBuffer = [_mCommandQueue commandBuffer];

Create a Command Encoder

To write commands into a command buffer, you use a command encoder for the specific kind of commands you want to code. This sample creates a compute command encoder, which encodes a compute pass. A compute pass holds a list of commands that execute compute pipelines. Each compute command causes the GPU to create a grid of threads to execute on the GPU.


id<MTLComputeCommandEncoder> computeEncoder = [commandBuffer computeCommandEncoder];

To encode a command, you make a series of method calls on the encoder. Some methods set state information, like the pipeline state object (PSO) or the arguments to be passed to the pipeline. After you make those state changes, you encode a command to execute the pipeline. The encoder writes all of the state changes and command parameters into the command buffer.



Set Pipeline State and Argument Data


Set the pipeline state object of the pipeline you want the command to execute. Then set data for any arguments that the pipeline needs to send into the add_arrays function. For this pipeline, that means providing references to three buffers. Metal automatically assigns indices for the buffer arguments in the order that the arguments appear in the function declaration in Listing 2, starting with 0. You provide arguments using the same indices.


[computeEncoder setComputePipelineState:_mAddFunctionPSO];
[computeEncoder setBuffer:_mBufferA offset:0 atIndex:0];
[computeEncoder setBuffer:_mBufferB offset:0 atIndex:1];
[computeEncoder setBuffer:_mBufferResult offset:0 atIndex:2];

You also specify an offset for each argument. An offset of 0 means the command will access the data from the beginning of a buffer. However, you could use one buffer to store multiple arguments, specifying an offset for each argument.
You don’t specify any data for the index argument because the add_arrays function defined its values as being provided by the GPU.


Specify Thread Count and Organization


Next, decide how many threads to create and how to organize those threads. Metal can create 1D, 2D, or 3D grids. The add_arrays function uses a 1D array, so the sample creates a 1D grid of size (dataSize x 1 x 1), from which Metal generates indices between 0 and dataSize-1.

接下来,决定要创建多少线程以及如何组织这些线程。Metal可以创建一维、二维或三维网格。add_arrays函数使用1D数组,因此示例创建一个1D大小的网格(dataSize x 1 x 1),Metal从中生成介于0和dataSize-1之间的索引。

Specify Threadgroup Size


Metal subdivides the grid into smaller grids called threadgroups. Each threadgroup is calculated separately. Metal can dispatch threadgroups to different processing elements on the GPU to speed up processing. You also need to decide how large to make the threadgroups for your command.


NSUInteger threadGroupSize = _mAddFunctionPSO.maxTotalThreadsPerThreadgroup;
if (threadGroupSize > arrayLength)
    threadGroupSize = arrayLength;
MTLSize threadgroupSize = MTLSizeMake(threadGroupSize, 1, 1);

The app asks the pipeline state object for the largest possible threadgroup and shrinks it if that size is larger than the size of the data set. The maxTotalThreadsPerThreadgroup property gives the maximum number of threads allowed in the threadgroup, which varies depending on the complexity of the function used to create the pipeline state object.


Encode the Compute Command to Execute the Threads


Finally, encode the command to dispatch the grid of threads.


[computeEncoder dispatchThreads:gridSize

When the GPU executes this command, it uses the state you previously set and the command’s parameters to dispatch threads to perform the computation.


You can follow the same steps using the encoder to encode multiple compute commands into the compute pass without performing any redundant steps. For example, you might set the pipeline state object once, and then set arguments and encode a command for each collection of buffers to process.


End the Compute Pass


When you have no more commands to add to the compute pass, you end the encoding process to close out the compute pass.


[computeEncoder endEncoding];

Commit the Command Buffer to Execute Its Commands


Run the commands in the command buffer by committing the command buffer to the queue.


[commandBuffer commit];

The command queue created the command buffer, so committing the buffer always places it on that queue. After you commit the command buffer, Metal asynchronously prepares the commands for execution and then schedules the command buffer to execute on the GPU. After the GPU executes all the commands in the command buffer, Metal marks the command buffer as complete.


Wait for the Calculation to Complete


Your app can do other work while the GPU is processing your commands. This sample doesn’t need to do any additional work, so it simply waits until the command buffer is complete.


[commandBuffer waitUntilCompleted];

Alternatively, to be notified when Metal has processed all of the commands, add a completion handler to the command buffer (addCompletedHandler(_:)), or check the status of a command buffer by reading its status property.


Read the Results From the Buffer


After the command buffer completes, the GPU’s calculations are stored in the output buffer and Metal performs any necessary steps to make sure the CPU can see them. In a real app, you would read the results from the buffer and do something with them, such as displaying the results onscreen or writing them to a file. Because the calculations are only used to illustrate the process of creating a Metal app, the sample reads the values stored in the output buffer and tests to make sure the CPU and the GPU calculated the same results.


- (void) verifyResults
    float* a = _mBufferA.contents;
    float* b = _mBufferB.contents;
    float* result = _mBufferResult.contents;

    for (unsigned long index = 0; index < arrayLength; index++)
        if (result[index] != (a[index] + b[index]))
            printf("Compute ERROR: index=%lu result=%g vs %g=a+b\n",
                   index, result[index], a[index] + b[index]);
            assert(result[index] == (a[index] + b[index]));
    printf("Compute results as expected\n");
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