
2024-06-18  本文已影响0人  伊丽小美




Nicholas Bloom, a Stanford economist and one of the foremost researchers on work-from-home policies, has uncovered compelling evidence that hybrid schedules are a boon to both employees and their bosses.

In a study, newly published in the journal Nature, of an experiment on more than 1,600 workers at Trip.com – a Chinese company that is one of the world's largest online travel agencies – Bloom finds that employees who work from home for two days a week are just as productive and as likely to be promoted as their fully office-based peers.

On a third key measure, employee turnover, the results were also encouraging. Resignations fell by 33% among workers who shifted from working full-time in the office to a hybrid schedule. Women, non-managers, and employees with long commutes were the least likely to quit their jobs when their treks to the office were cut to three days a week. Trip.com estimates that reduced attrition saved the company millions of dollars.


斯坦福大学经济学家尼古拉斯·布鲁姆(Nicholas Bloom)是居家办公政策方面最权威的研究者之一,他发现了有力证据,表明混合工作制对员工和老板都有好处。


在第三个关键指标——员工离职率上,结果同样令人鼓舞。从每天到办公室工作转变为混合工作制的员工辞职率下降了 33%,尤其是女性、非管理人员和通勤时间较长的员工,辞职的可能性更低。携程公司估计,这种降低离职率的做法为公司节省了数百万美元。

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