
PMP试题解析(第十三章 相关方管理)

2019-12-25  本文已影响0人  小燕_lillian


1、 [单选]制定项目章程时,一位关键的相关方没有提供任何意见。项目经理反复询问请他提供必要的信息,以便完成宏观需求。虽然项目经理尽力了,情况却没有得到改善。项目经理接下来应该怎么做?While creating the project charter, a key stakeholder does not offer any input. The project manager repeatedly asks the stakeholder to provide the necessary input to complete the high-level requirements. Despite the project manager’s efforts, the situation does not improve. What should the project manager do next?

A:将该相关方从相关方列表中删除Remove the stakeholder from the stakeholder list.

B:与项目团队假定相关方需求Assume the requirements of this stakeholder together with project team.

C:将意见缺失作为项目风险,添加到主要风险描述中Add the missing input as a risk to the high-level risk description.

D:将该问题上报给项目发起人Escalate the issue to the project sponsor.



2、 [单选]项目经理正在负责一个为客户进行内部管理信息系统项目。与客户已签署合同并确定了项目章程。但是在开展项目工作过程中,不断遇到客户公司内部不同部门不同层级的各种不配合,甚至阻挠。深入应用以下哪个数据分析可以避免这种情况的发生?The project manager is responsible for a project of client's internal management information system. Contract with the client has been signed and the project charter has been confirmed. However, in the process of carrying out the project, project manager repeatedly encountered various kinds of incoordination and even obstructions from different levels of different departments within the client company. Which of the following data analysis can be used to avoid this?

A:相关方分析 stakeholder analysis.

B:需求分析 requirements analysis

C:假设条件和制约因素分析assumption and constraint analysis.

D:文件分析file analysis



3、 [单选]一个新项目已经识别出许多相关方,但每个相关方的权力大小、需要被关注的紧迫性和参与项目的合法性都不同。项目经理应该使用以下哪项工具来确定相关方应该被关注的优先级,以便确定合适的相关方管理策略?The project manager has identified many stakeholders in a new project, but the power, urgency, and legitimacy of each stakeholder is different. Which of the following tools should the project manager use to determine the priority to which stakeholders should be concerned to determine appropriate stakeholder management strategies?

A:相关方参与度评估矩阵Stakeholder engagement assessment matrix

B:权力/利益方格Power/interest grid

C:相关方立方体Stakeholder cube

D:凸显模型Salience model



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