python 学习日记


2016-11-03  本文已影响3人  小黑天天快乐

What is the difference between %r and %s?

We use %r for debugging, since it displays the “raw” data of the variable, but we use %s and others for displaying to users.

I get the error TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting.

You need to make sure that the line of code is exactly the same. What happens in this error is you have more % format characters in the string than variables to put in them. Go back and figure out what you did wrong.

what’s the difference between input() and raw_input()?

input() tries to convert everything you enter as python code, but it has safety problems, so we should try to avoid it, but raw_input() will take everything as a string.

argument variable

from sys import argv

.. .. .. = argv

argv is given when you run the program in the terminal

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