judging by
1. 认识这个词(基础篇)
词:judging by/from
英英释义:used to express the reasons why you have a particular opinion
例句:Judging by/from his facial expressions and body language, he’s lying.
2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇)
我们很熟悉“judge”可以作为名词表示“法官”,作为动词表示“评定”“判断”。今天我们学习一个它的常见搭配用法 judging by/from,是一个在写作和口语中都非常实用的表达。judging by/from 表示“根据…判断”,如它的英文释义所示,当我们在阐述为什么有某个观点时,就可以用到它。
注意:judging 后面可以接 by 也可以接 from,两者没有什么区别,更多是个人偏好。
美剧《别对我说谎》(Lie to Me)中,心理学家擅长透过人体的肢体语言,特别是面部的“微表情”来判断对方是否在撒谎。我们想表达“从他的面部表情和肢体语言可以判定他在说谎”,就可说成:
Judging by/from his facial expressions and body language, he’s lying.
Judging by/from the trailer, the movie is worth watching/seeing.
最新一期的《经济学人》中就两次用到了 judge 的这个用法:
1) One reviewer called the book “for the 1%”, but that missed the point, and the percentage… Judging from the book’s sales, more than 1% might want that.
2) It shows what appears to be a Buddhist leader, judging by the decor and the kowtowing of his followers.
3. 从认识到会用(作业)
(参考翻译:Judging by/from my professional experience, she will be competent at this job.)
例子: 从她的沉默寡言来看,她没有通过今天的考试。
场景 :Judging by her reticent performance, she could has not be passed the exam today .