Project Study: Detail Steps to S
At the end of CSS course section study, the instructor assigned us a fun blog exercise. We are going to create a simple blog and use relevant CSS element and Box model to style the blog like this:
The Hints of this exercise:
there is a gray border around the body, border size is 20px, border color: #bdc3c7
date color: #bdc3c7
H2 color: #2c3e50
Text Font: source sans pro
Date Text: All Uppercase
Letter-spacing on Date
A Horizontal line between posts (add <hr> element on HTML)
Now Let’s start!
Step One: Create a HTML page
I create a simple blog page include two dates and two articles. I copied some paragraphs from my old digital analysis post. The page only has text, and it doesn’t look very attractive.
Step Two: Style Your Body
I start to style the whole page body by adding a border. Since the instructor told us the border value, I just put the number in the CSS.
The Outcome:
We have the border around the body, but the border is too close to the content. We want have some spacing between the border and content, so we set the padding value to be 20px. And we also set the font-family to be “source sans pro”.
As the result, we can see some inner space between the border and content, and the text font looks better than the old one.
We also want the body box in the middle of the page, so we set the width with 700px, and margin 20px and auto. By the way, 20px is the margin top value, and auto is a default center value.
The result:
Step Three: Style The Date
After we done the body style, we are going to style the content. I begin from the top to the bottom, so style date first.
There are two dates on the blog page, so I set the class attribute to be “date”.
In the CSS, we use class selector to set “.date” value. It required all the date letters are uppercase, so we set the text-transform to be uppercase. And we add the assigned color value and bold the text.
Since there is a little space between each letter, so we set the letter-spacing value to be 0.2 rem. REM refers to relative to font-size of the root element. (W3School)
The result:
Step Four: Style H2
I would like the h2 text bolder and font size to be 2.0 rem, so the title of each posts looks more outstanding.
The result:
Step Five: Add Left Border on First Paragraph
Since the first paragraph of each post has a left border, so I add the class attribute value as “one” on the first paragraph element.
In the CSS, I set the border-left and padding left value to the class “.one” selector.
The result:
Step Six: Style HR
The blog has a horizontal line between two posts. Therefore, I add <hr> element between the two posts on HTML page.
The result shows a horizontal line:
Now we want style the horizontal line and let it be special. I Google the “hr” style and select the hr style I like on the Simple Styles for <hr>’s.
I copy the hr CSS code and paste on my CSS file.
The result:
Step Seven: Post Space
At last, we add some space between the horizontal line and the second post, so we set the margin for the post value to be 20px.
The result:
The final outcome: