
Scorpion Symbolism & Meaning蝎子象征意义
If you’re seeking the spiritual meaning of Scorpion, it’s a sign your soul is ready to tango!
The ancient Egyptians revered the Scorpion Spirit as a potent guardian for souls moving from one world to the next. It was a sacred creature to Selket, the goddess who heals stings and bites. It was not uncommon for the Priests to use images of Scorpions on ritual mummification tools to safeguard the precious transforming spirit within. That endows Scorpion with the power of change, particularly in terms of our soul’s growth through various incarnations.
African stories likewise tie the Scorpion to death and life. Some people believed that a Scorpion sting had the power to heal and they honored the Scorpion accordingly. From a shamanic vantage point, Scorpion as a spirit guide created a change in consciousness, the sting acting like a psychedelic mind altering drug that, when used, takes the shaman to the dream time or other spirit realms. With this in mind if Scorpion keeps appearing in your life you may find your awareness changing and dreams becoming very vivid, even prophetic.
In many settings, Scorpion has come to represent unexpected death. In approaching a victim, Scorpions dance nearly playfully. It does not attack with any type of malice, but simply remains true to its nature.
The human dance with death is not always so clear-cut, but we could learn much from the Scorpion’s ritual. Death’s sting is never far away and always a possibility.
In this sense, the Scorpion symbol represents being ready for anything and living fully each moment.
You might be surprised to discover that in nature the Scorpion is a good mother. She keeps the hatchlings on her back until after they molt the first time. This represents protecting the weakest of us from harm in a sometimes very harsh world.
Nature shows us that Scorpion has a great ability to protect itself, making Scorpion’s meaning one of self-preservation. Unfortunately this creature as poor eyesight so it relies on touch. Metaphysically this could tie into the spiritual gift of psychometry. In the Greek story of Orion being killed by a Scorpion for his boastfulness we also see this as a creature that can meet out Divine judgments.
It’s important to note that Scorpions do not sting without reason. They would prefer to retreat and only attack when they feel themselves in danger. No matter the intention, this sting is painful and often poisonous. Treat Scorpion animal guides respectfully.
Scorpion Spirit Animal神圣动物蝎子
Spirit Animals come into our lives for specific reasons. Scorpion’s spiritual meaning is all about ridding yourself of proverbial poison – those negative things that hold you back, keep you down and create psychic clutter. Those in unhealthy relationships will find the scorpion spirit very helpful for making a clean break and giving birth to a whole new vision.
There is no question that in terms of a spiritual awakening Scorpion brings you the message of transformation. It may not be a fun message, but often times in nature something must die for something else to live. This death can be figurative (such as starting a completely new career path or quitting smoking as part of a healthier lifestyle).
People with Scorpion energy in their lives are very passionate but also have a real need for alone time. In order to experience spiritual growth let Scorpion guide you toward balance between your lusts and solitude.
Scorpions do not go on the attack unprovoked. When this animal spirit guide presents in your life, be sure to give all potential adversaries a wide berth, only stepping into the fight ring when absolutely necessary.
Scorpion Totem Animal蝎子图腾
Scorpion totems symbolize the ability to patiently wait before striking. This insect has strong intuitive senses that strengthen your awareness so that anything hidden becomes clear before you act. In terms of spiritual gifts, it offers you the lesson of defense when necessary.
As a Totem Animal Scorpion means change in the forms of death and rebirth. Being drawn to the Scorpion indicates there are lessons in your past lives that can help you. Scorpion totems are good for healers and lightworkers so that they can transmute the toxins in people’s Auras more effectively.
In less woo-woo terms, those born under or who choose a Scorpion Totem tend to be very comfortable with matters of life and death. Scorpions are incredibly adaptable creatures who can thrive in the harshest of conditions. In this, folks with Scorpion as a Totem Animal tend to make excellent medical professionals – especially those who work in emergency rooms or with the terminally ill. These beautiful souls just always seem to know how to help people and animals transition to the other side with grace, peace and dignity.