
2019-04-30  本文已影响0人  tinghua

sudo gem uninstall cocoapods
sudo gem install cocoapods -v 0.25.0

Cocoapods 升级到指定版本

1 升级 ruby - 升级至2.2.2以上

$ ruby -v
1.1 RVM安装

$ curl -L get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
1.2 验证

$ source ~/.bashrc

$ source ~/.bash_profile
1.3 列出ruby的版本

$ rvm list known
1.4 安装ruby 2.2.4

$ rvm install 2.2.4
1.5 验证安装版本

$ ruby -v
2 换gem源

2.1 移除旧源:

如果之前是 https://rubygems.org/

$ gem sources --remove https://rubygems.org/
如果之前是 https://ruby.taobao.org/

$ gem sources --remove https://ruby.taobao.org/
2.2 可以先执行一次系统更新操作

$ sudo gem update --system
2.3 切换gem源

gem source -a https://gems.ruby-china.com 1 gem sources -l
3 升级 CocoaPods 1.3.1


安装指定版本 1.3.1(推荐)

$ sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods -v 1.3.1

$ sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods --pre

qingdeMacBook-Pro:shiguangxu qingpod search SDVersion [!] Unable to find a pod with name, author, summary, or description matching `SDVersion` qingdeMacBook-Pro:shiguangxu qing
qingdeMacBook-Pro:shiguangxu qingqingdeMacBook-Pro:shiguangxu qing
qingdeMacBook-Pro:shiguangxu qingpod repo remove master Removing spec repo `master` qingdeMacBook-Pro:shiguangxu qing
qingdeMacBook-Pro:shiguangxu qingqingdeMacBook-Pro:shiguangxu qing
qingdeMacBook-Pro:shiguangxu qingcd ~/.cocoapods/repos qingdeMacBook-Pro:repos qing
qingdeMacBook-Pro:repos qingqingdeMacBook-Pro:repos qing
qingdeMacBook-Pro:repos qinggit clone --depth 1 https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git master Cloning into 'master'... remote: Enumerating objects: 741260, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (741260/741260), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (458213/458213), done. remote: Total 741260 (delta 180422), reused 711040 (delta 177861), pack-reused 0 Receiving objects: 100% (741260/741260), 110.89 MiB | 149.00 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (180422/180422), done. Checking connectivity: 741260, done. Checking out files: 100% (338232/338232), done. qingdeMacBook-Pro:repos qing
qingdeMacBook-Pro:repos qingqingdeMacBook-Pro:repos qing cd /Users/qing/Desktop/gitlab/shiguangxu
qingdeMacBook-Pro:shiguangxu qing$ pod install
Analyzing dependencies
Pre-downloading: DRBasicKit from https://gitlab.com/sqhua/drbasickit.git
Pre-downloading: DRLDataKit from git@gitlab.shiguangxu.com:platform_shiguangxu/DRLDataKit.git
Pre-downloading: LTNavigationBar from https://github.com/JeasonL/LTNavigationBar.git
Pre-downloading: SDVersion from https://github.com/cguess/SDVersion
Pre-downloading: UITableView+FDTemplateLayoutCell from https://github.com/forkingdog/UITableView-FDTemplateLayoutCell.git
Downloading dependencies
Using AFNetworking (3.2.1)
Using AliyunOSSiOS (2.6.5)
Using Aspects (1.4.1)
Using BaiduMapKit (4.3.0)
Using BlocksKit (2.2.5)
Using DFEvalKit (0.1.1)
Using DFYBPopupMenu (1.1.3)
Installing DRBasicKit 0.1.8
Installing DRLDataKit (0.1.05)
Using DownloadButton (0.1.0)
Using FMDB (2.7.5)
Using FSCalendar (2.8.0)
Using FunctionalObjC (1.0.2)
Using GPUImage (0.1.7)
Using HMSegmentedControl (1.5.5)
Using HexColors (4.0.0)
Installing IQKeyboardManager 6.4.0 (was 6.3.0)
Using JCore (1.2.6)
Using JPush (3.1.2)
Using JXExtension (0.4.0)
Using LJContactManager (1.0.6)
Installing LTNavigationBar 2.1.9
Using MGSwipeTableCell (1.6.8)
Using MJExtension (3.0.17)
Using MJRefresh (3.2.0)
Using MXParallaxHeader (0.6.1)
Using Masonry (1.0.2)
Using NJKWebViewProgress (0.2.3)
Using PINCache (3.0.1-beta.6)
Installing PINOperation 1.1.2 (was 1.1.1)
Using PINRemoteImage (3.0.0-beta.13)
Using RTRootNavigationController (0.7.1)
Using RegExCategories (1.0)
Using SAMKeychain (1.5.3)
Using SDCycleScrollView (1.75)
Installing SDVersion 4.3.2
Using SDWebImage (4.4.6)
Using SSZipArchive (2.2.2)
Using SVProgressHUD (2.2.5)
Using SwipeView (1.3.2)
Using TCBlobDownload (2.1.1)
Using TTTAttributedLabel (2.0.0)
Using TYPagerController (2.1.2)
Using Texture (2.7)
Using UICollectionViewLeftAlignedLayout (1.0.2)
Installing UITableView+FDTemplateLayoutCell 1.6
Using UMengAnalytics (4.2.4)
Using UMengUShare (
Using WebViewJavascriptBridge (6.0.3)
Using YTKNetwork (2.0.4)
Using YYCache (1.0.4)
Using YYModel (1.0.4)
Using YYText (1.0.7)
Using lottie-ios (1.5.2)
Using pop (1.0.12)
Generating Pods project
Integrating client project
Sending stats
Pod installation complete! There are 54 dependencies from the Podfile and 55 total pods installed.

[!] Smart quotes were detected and ignored in your Podfile. To avoid issues in the future, you should not use TextEdit for editing it. If you are not using TextEdit, you should turn off smart quotes in your editor of choice.

[!] The 时光序DataTests [Debug] target overrides the GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS build setting defined in Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-时光序DataTests/Pods-时光序DataTests.debug.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation - Use the$(inherited)` flag, or
- Remove the build settings from the target.

[!] The 时光序DataTests [Release] target overrides the GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS build setting defined in Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-时光序DataTests/Pods-时光序DataTests.release.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation - Use the(inherited)` flag, or - Remove the build settings from the target. qingdeMacBook-Pro:shiguangxu qing


