[LintCode][System Design] Tiny U
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Given a long url, make it shorter. To make it simpler, let's ignore the domain name.You should implement two methods:
. Convert a long url to a short url.
. Convert a short url to a long url starts withhttp://tiny.url/
You can design any shorten algorithm, the judge only cares about two things:The
short key
's length shouldequal to 6
(without domain and slash). And the acceptable characters are[a-zA-Z0-9]
. For example:abcD9E
No two long urls mapping to the same short url and no two short urls mapping to the same long url.Example
Given url =http://www.lintcode.com/faq/?id=10
, run the following code (or something similar):short_url = longToShort(url) // may return http://tiny.url/abcD9E long_url = shortToLong(short_url) // return http://www.lintcode.com/faq/?id=10
The short_url you return should be unique short url and start with
and 6 acceptable characters. For examplehttp://tiny.url/abcD9E
or something else.The long_url should be
in this case.
class TinyUrl {
const long long hashSize = 62 ^ 6;
map<long long, string> id2long;
const string tinyHeader = "http://tiny.url/";
* @param url a long url
* @return a short url starts with http://tiny.url/
char number2char(int n) {
if (n <= 9) {
return '0' + n;
} else if (n <= 35) {
return 'a' + (n - 10);
} else {
return 'A' + (n - 36);
long long char2number(char c) {
if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') {
return c - '0';
} else if ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') {
return c - 'a' + 10;
} else if ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') {
return c - 'A' + 36;
long long shortURL2id(string url) {
long long id = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < url.size(); i++) {
id = id * 62 + char2number(url[i]);
return id;
string longToShort(string& url) {
long long number = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < url.size(); i++) {
number = (number * 256 + (long long)url[i]) % hashSize;
// solve conflict
while (id2long.count(number) > 0 && id2long[number] != url) {
id2long[number] = url;
string shortURL = "";
while (number > 0) {
int mod = number % 62;
number /= 62;
shortURL = number2char(mod) + shortURL;
while (shortURL.size() < 6) {
shortURL = "0" + shortURL;
shortURL = tinyHeader + shortURL;
return shortURL;
* @param url a short url starts with http://tiny.url/
* @return a long url
string shortToLong(string& url) {
int id = shortURL2id(url.substr(tinyHeader.size(), url.size()));
if (id2long.count(id) > 0) {
return id2long[id];
return "";