Day03 英语学习,死磕同义词之abate subside w
abate subsude wane ebb nean to die down in force or intensity mean to die down in force or intensity.意思是指在力量或强度上的衰减。
abate stresses a progressive diminishing. 强调持续的减少。waited unti the storm abated 等到风暴减弱 ant rise, revive
subside suggests a falling to a low level and an easing of turbulence (骚乱,动荡).它表示降至低水平以及平息骚乱。The protests subsided afer a few days 数日后抗议活动平息
wane 1 adds to abate an implication(含义;含蓄,含意) of fading or weakening 它比abate多出逐步弱化或减弱的含义 a waning moon 一弯残月 often used on something impressive or intense. 常用于给人印象深刻的或非常强烈的事物。The public s waning interest in spaceflight 公众对航天的兴趣减弱 ant wax
ebb suggests a gradual waning, especially of something that commonly comes and goes.它表示逐渐的减弱,尤其指常来常往的事物。 vitality(活力;生命力;生气) often ebbs with illness 精力会因生病而减弱 ant flow(as the tide)