Spring Cloud Gateway(译)(Part 4)
16. Troubleshooting
本部分介绍使用Spring Cloud Gateway时可能出现的常见问题.
16.1. Log Levels
下面的 loggers 可能在DEBUG
16.2. Wiretap
Reactor Netty HttpClient
and HttpServer
可以启用监听. 与与 reactor.netty
结合使用时, 它将启用信息记录, 例如通过网络发送/接收 的 headers 和 bodies . 要启用监听, 请分别为HttpServer
设置 spring.cloud.gateway.httpserver.wiretap=true
17. Developer Guide
17.1. Writing Custom Route Predicate Factories
如果想要编写一个Route Predicate,需要实现RoutePredicateFactory
借口。 或者继承AbstractRoutePredicateFactory的抽象类。
public class MyRoutePredicateFactory extends AbstractRoutePredicateFactory<HeaderRoutePredicateFactory.Config> {
public MyRoutePredicateFactory() {
public Predicate<ServerWebExchange> apply(Config config) {
// grab configuration from Config object
return exchange -> {
//grab the request
ServerHttpRequest request = exchange.getRequest();
//take information from the request to see if it
//matches configuration.
return matches(config, request);
public static class Config {
//Put the configuration properties for your filter here
17.2. Writing Custom GatewayFilter Factories
若要自定义 GatewayFilter
, 你必须实现 GatewayFilterFactory
接口. 或者继承 AbstractGatewayFilterFactory
抽象类. 如下所示:
Example 73. PreGatewayFilterFactory.java
public class PreGatewayFilterFactory extends AbstractGatewayFilterFactory<PreGatewayFilterFactory.Config> {
public PreGatewayFilterFactory() {
public GatewayFilter apply(Config config) {
// grab configuration from Config object
return (exchange, chain) -> {
//If you want to build a "pre" filter you need to manipulate the
//request before calling chain.filter
ServerHttpRequest.Builder builder = exchange.getRequest().mutate();
//use builder to manipulate the request
return chain.filter(exchange.mutate().request(request).build());
public static class Config {
//Put the configuration properties for your filter here
public class PostGatewayFilterFactory extends AbstractGatewayFilterFactory<PostGatewayFilterFactory.Config> {
public PostGatewayFilterFactory() {
public GatewayFilter apply(Config config) {
// grab configuration from Config object
return (exchange, chain) -> {
return chain.filter(exchange).then(Mono.fromRunnable(() -> {
ServerHttpResponse response = exchange.getResponse();
//Manipulate the response in some way
public static class Config {
//Put the configuration properties for your filter here
17.3. Writing Custom Global Filters
若要自定义 global filter, 你必须实现 GlobalFilter
接口. 这会将filter应用于所有请求.
public GlobalFilter customGlobalFilter() {
return (exchange, chain) -> exchange.getPrincipal()
.defaultIfEmpty("Default User")
.map(userName -> {
//adds header to proxied request
exchange.getRequest().mutate().header("CUSTOM-REQUEST-HEADER", userName).build();
return exchange;
public GlobalFilter customGlobalPostFilter() {
return (exchange, chain) -> chain.filter(exchange)
.map(serverWebExchange -> {
//adds header to response
HttpStatus.OK.equals(serverWebExchange.getResponse().getStatusCode()) ? "It worked": "It did not work");
return serverWebExchange;
18. Building a Simple Gateway by Using Spring MVC or Webflux
以下描述了替代样式的网关. 先前的文档均不适用于以下内容.
Spring Cloud Gateway 提供了一个名为ProxyExchange
的实用程序对象. 你可以在常规的 Spring web handler 中使用它作为方法参数. 它通过镜像HTTP动词的方法支持基本的下游HTTP交换. 使用MVC, 它还支持通过forward()
方法转发到本地处理程序. 要使用 ProxyExchange
, 请在类路径中包含正确的模块 ( spring-cloud-gateway-mvc
或 spring-cloud-gateway-webflux
public class GatewaySampleApplication {
private URI home;
public ResponseEntity<?> proxy(ProxyExchange<byte[]> proxy) throws Exception {
return proxy.uri(home.toString() + "/image/png").get();
public class GatewaySampleApplication {
private URI home;
public Mono<ResponseEntity<?>> proxy(ProxyExchange<byte[]> proxy) throws Exception {
return proxy.uri(home.toString() + "/image/png").get();
上的便捷方法使处理程序方法能够发现并增强传入请求的URI路径. 例如, 你可能希望提取路径的尾部元素以将它们传递到下游:
public ResponseEntity<?> proxyPath(ProxyExchange<byte[]> proxy) throws Exception {
String path = proxy.path("/proxy/path/");
return proxy.uri(home.toString() + "/foos/" + path).get();
网关处理程序方法可以使用Spring MVC和Webflux的所有功能. 所以, 你可以注入request headers和query parameters, 例如, 你可以使用mapping annotation中的声明来约束传入的请求. 请参见Spring MVC中的@RequestMapping
in Spring MVC 文档.
方法将 headers 添加到下游响应中.
你还可以通过将mapper 添加到get()
方法(和其他方法)来操作 response headers (以及response中的其他元素) . The mapper 是一种Function
类型,它接收传入的 ResponseEntity
对不传递到下游的 “sensitive” headers (默认情况下为, cookie
) 以及 “proxy” (x-forwarded-*
) headers提供良好的支持.
19. Configuration properties
, application.yml
文件内或作为命令行开关指定各种属性. 本附录提供了常见的 Spring Cloud Gateway 属性列表以及对使用它们的基础类的引用.
属性可以来自类路径上的其他jar文件,因此这不是全部的属性列表。 另外,你也可以定义自己的属性。
Name | Default | Description |
spring.cloud.gateway.default-filters | List of filter definitions that are applied to every route. | |
spring.cloud.gateway.discovery.locator.enabled | false | Flag that enables DiscoveryClient gateway integration. |
spring.cloud.gateway.discovery.locator.filters | ||
spring.cloud.gateway.discovery.locator.include-expression | true | SpEL expression that will evaluate whether to include a service in gateway integration or not, defaults to: true. |
spring.cloud.gateway.discovery.locator.lower-case-service-id | false | Option to lower case serviceId in predicates and filters, defaults to false. Useful with eureka when it automatically uppercases serviceId. so MYSERIVCE, would match /myservice/** |
spring.cloud.gateway.discovery.locator.predicates | ||
spring.cloud.gateway.discovery.locator.route-id-prefix | The prefix for the routeId, defaults to discoveryClient.getClass().getSimpleName() + "_". Service Id will be appended to create the routeId. | |
spring.cloud.gateway.discovery.locator.url-expression | 'lb://'+serviceId | SpEL expression that create the uri for each route, defaults to: 'lb://'+serviceId. |
spring.cloud.gateway.enabled | true | Enables gateway functionality. |
spring.cloud.gateway.filter.remove-hop-by-hop.headers | ||
spring.cloud.gateway.filter.remove-hop-by-hop.order | ||
spring.cloud.gateway.filter.request-rate-limiter.deny-empty-key | true | Switch to deny requests if the Key Resolver returns an empty key, defaults to true. |
spring.cloud.gateway.filter.request-rate-limiter.empty-key-status-code | HttpStatus to return when denyEmptyKey is true, defaults to FORBIDDEN. | |
spring.cloud.gateway.filter.secure-headers.content-security-policy | default-src 'self' https:; font-src 'self' https: data:; img-src 'self' https: data:; object-src 'none'; script-src https:; style-src 'self' https: 'unsafe-inline' | |
spring.cloud.gateway.filter.secure-headers.content-type-options | nosniff | |
spring.cloud.gateway.filter.secure-headers.disable | ||
spring.cloud.gateway.filter.secure-headers.download-options | noopen | |
spring.cloud.gateway.filter.secure-headers.frame-options | DENY | |
spring.cloud.gateway.filter.secure-headers.permitted-cross-domain-policies | none | |
spring.cloud.gateway.filter.secure-headers.referrer-policy | no-referrer | |
spring.cloud.gateway.filter.secure-headers.strict-transport-security | max-age=631138519 | |
spring.cloud.gateway.filter.secure-headers.xss-protection-header | 1 ; mode=block | |
spring.cloud.gateway.forwarded.enabled | true | Enables the ForwardedHeadersFilter. |
spring.cloud.gateway.globalcors.add-to-simple-url-handler-mapping | false | If global CORS config should be added to the URL handler. |
spring.cloud.gateway.globalcors.cors-configurations | ||
spring.cloud.gateway.httpclient.connect-timeout | The connect timeout in millis, the default is 45s. | |
spring.cloud.gateway.httpclient.pool.acquire-timeout | Only for type FIXED, the maximum time in millis to wait for aquiring. | |
spring.cloud.gateway.httpclient.pool.max-connections | Only for type FIXED, the maximum number of connections before starting pending acquisition on existing ones. | |
spring.cloud.gateway.httpclient.pool.max-idle-time | Time in millis after which the channel will be closed. If NULL, there is no max idle time. | |
spring.cloud.gateway.httpclient.pool.max-life-time | Duration after which the channel will be closed. If NULL, there is no max life time. | |
spring.cloud.gateway.httpclient.pool.name | proxy | The channel pool map name, defaults to proxy. |
spring.cloud.gateway.httpclient.pool.type | Type of pool for HttpClient to use, defaults to ELASTIC. | |
spring.cloud.gateway.httpclient.proxy.host | Hostname for proxy configuration of Netty HttpClient. | |
spring.cloud.gateway.httpclient.proxy.non-proxy-hosts-pattern | Regular expression (Java) for a configured list of hosts. that should be reached directly, bypassing the proxy | |
spring.cloud.gateway.httpclient.proxy.password | Password for proxy configuration of Netty HttpClient. | |
spring.cloud.gateway.httpclient.proxy.port | Port for proxy configuration of Netty HttpClient. | |
spring.cloud.gateway.httpclient.proxy.username | Username for proxy configuration of Netty HttpClient. | |
spring.cloud.gateway.httpclient.response-timeout | The response timeout. | |
spring.cloud.gateway.httpclient.ssl.close-notify-flush-timeout | 3000ms | SSL close_notify flush timeout. Default to 3000 ms. |
spring.cloud.gateway.httpclient.ssl.close-notify-flush-timeout-millis | ||
spring.cloud.gateway.httpclient.ssl.close-notify-read-timeout | SSL close_notify read timeout. Default to 0 ms. | |
spring.cloud.gateway.httpclient.ssl.close-notify-read-timeout-millis | ||
spring.cloud.gateway.httpclient.ssl.default-configuration-type | The default ssl configuration type. Defaults to TCP. | |
spring.cloud.gateway.httpclient.ssl.handshake-timeout | 10000ms | SSL handshake timeout. Default to 10000 ms |
spring.cloud.gateway.httpclient.ssl.handshake-timeout-millis | ||
spring.cloud.gateway.httpclient.ssl.key-password | Key password, default is same as keyStorePassword. | |
spring.cloud.gateway.httpclient.ssl.key-store | Keystore path for Netty HttpClient. | |
spring.cloud.gateway.httpclient.ssl.key-store-password | Keystore password. | |
spring.cloud.gateway.httpclient.ssl.key-store-provider | Keystore provider for Netty HttpClient, optional field. | |
spring.cloud.gateway.httpclient.ssl.key-store-type | JKS | Keystore type for Netty HttpClient, default is JKS. |
spring.cloud.gateway.httpclient.ssl.trusted-x509-certificates | Trusted certificates for verifying the remote endpoint’s certificate. | |
spring.cloud.gateway.httpclient.ssl.use-insecure-trust-manager | false | Installs the netty InsecureTrustManagerFactory. This is insecure and not suitable for production. |
spring.cloud.gateway.httpclient.websocket.max-frame-payload-length | Max frame payload length. | |
spring.cloud.gateway.httpclient.wiretap | false | Enables wiretap debugging for Netty HttpClient. |
spring.cloud.gateway.httpserver.wiretap | false | Enables wiretap debugging for Netty HttpServer. |
spring.cloud.gateway.loadbalancer.use404 | false | |
spring.cloud.gateway.metrics.enabled | true | Enables the collection of metrics data. |
spring.cloud.gateway.metrics.tags | Tags map that added to metrics. | |
spring.cloud.gateway.redis-rate-limiter.burst-capacity-header | X-RateLimit-Burst-Capacity | The name of the header that returns the burst capacity configuration. |
spring.cloud.gateway.redis-rate-limiter.config | ||
spring.cloud.gateway.redis-rate-limiter.include-headers | true | Whether or not to include headers containing rate limiter information, defaults to true. |
spring.cloud.gateway.redis-rate-limiter.remaining-header | X-RateLimit-Remaining | The name of the header that returns number of remaining requests during the current second. |
spring.cloud.gateway.redis-rate-limiter.replenish-rate-header | X-RateLimit-Replenish-Rate | The name of the header that returns the replenish rate configuration. |
spring.cloud.gateway.routes | List of Routes. | |
spring.cloud.gateway.set-status.original-status-header-name | The name of the header which contains http code of the proxied request. | |
spring.cloud.gateway.streaming-media-types | ||
spring.cloud.gateway.x-forwarded.enabled | true | If the XForwardedHeadersFilter is enabled. |
spring.cloud.gateway.x-forwarded.for-append | true | If appending X-Forwarded-For as a list is enabled. |
spring.cloud.gateway.x-forwarded.for-enabled | true | If X-Forwarded-For is enabled. |
spring.cloud.gateway.x-forwarded.host-append | true | If appending X-Forwarded-Host as a list is enabled. |
spring.cloud.gateway.x-forwarded.host-enabled | true | If X-Forwarded-Host is enabled. |
spring.cloud.gateway.x-forwarded.order | 0 | The order of the XForwardedHeadersFilter. |
spring.cloud.gateway.x-forwarded.port-append | true | If appending X-Forwarded-Port as a list is enabled. |
spring.cloud.gateway.x-forwarded.port-enabled | true | If X-Forwarded-Port is enabled. |
spring.cloud.gateway.x-forwarded.prefix-append | true | If appending X-Forwarded-Prefix as a list is enabled. |
spring.cloud.gateway.x-forwarded.prefix-enabled | true | If X-Forwarded-Prefix is enabled. |
spring.cloud.gateway.x-forwarded.proto-append | true | If appending X-Forwarded-Proto as a list is enabled. |
spring.cloud.gateway.x-forwarded.proto-enabled | true | If X-Forwarded-Proto is enabled. |