

2018-06-09  本文已影响14人  英语学习社

1. 上合组织峰会

Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit

上海合作组织发展现状和前景(the current and future development of the SCO)

新形势下各领域合作(cooperation in all areas under the new situation)

重大国际和地区问题(major international and regional issues)

青岛宣言(Qingdao Declaration)

10余份安全、经济、人文等领域合作文件(a dozen agreements on security and economic cooperation, and people-to-people exchanges)

永久性政府间国际组织(permanent inter-governmental international organization)

成员国(member states)

观察员国家(observer states)

对话伙伴国(dialogue partners)

成员国元首理事会(the Council of Heads of State)

常设机构(permanent bodies)

上海合作组织秘书处(the Secretariat of the SCO)

地区反恐怖机构(the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure, RATS)

上海精神(Shanghai Spirit)


The cooperation within SCO is distinguished by its spirit of mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, mutual consultations, respect for cultural diversity and aspiration for common development.


These principles, known as Shanghai Spirit, will continue to serve as the basis for the relations between the SCO member states.


国际合作平台 international cooperation platform

区域贸易 regional trade

互联互通 connectivity

产能合作 production capacity cooperation

战略伙伴关系 strategic partnership



2. 高考

national college entrance exam

一次决定成败的机会a make-or-break opportunity

婴儿潮the "baby boom"

千禧年the millennium

参加考试(sit for the exam)

8年来人数最多的一年(the highest number in eight years)

通常持续两天(generally last two days)

最重要的时刻(the most important moment)

高考分数将在很大程度上决定他们能否上大学,上哪所大学(scores largely decide whether they can go to college and which college they can attend)

决定他们未来的职业前景(determine their future career prospects)

00后(post-2000s generation)

门户网站(portal website)

高考并非通向美好未来的唯一途径(the national college entrance exam is not the only route to a promising future)。

丰富人生经历的一次机会(an opportunity to enrich life experiences)


海外求学(pursue degrees overseas)

参加自主招生入学考试(attend independent college admission tests)

报考艺术专业(apply for art majors)

已有明确的大学或专业目标(have a clear picture for which university or majors they wanted to apply for)


模拟考试 practice tests

毕业班 senior/graduating class

考试作弊 exam cheating

录取分数线 enrollment mark

高校扩招 enrollment expansion of colleges

重点大学 key universities





3. 燃油附加费

fuel surcharge

国航(Air China)

春秋航空(Spring Airlines)

西部航空(West Air)

燃油附加费(fuel surcharge)

800公里(含)以下及800公里以上航线每人收取燃油附加费10元(charge an additional 10 yuan for each adult ticket on routes both shorter and longer than 800 km)

航空公司内部人员(airline company insider)

国际油价高企(high international oil prices)

航空公司成本增加(airlines' increasing costs)

燃油附加费停止征收(the end of fuel surcharges)

民航航空煤油基础价格(base price of aviation kerosene for civil airlines)

国内航空煤油综合采购成本超过每吨5000元时,航空公司可收取燃油附加费(when the jet fuel price surpasses 5,000 yuan per ton, airlines could levy a new surcharge)


机场税 airport tax

国际原油价格 world crude oil prices

价格形成机制 pricing mechanism

油品升级 petrol quality upgrade

4. 共享护士

nurse sharing

分享经济(sharing economy)

线上预约(make appointment online)

线下服务(offer service offline)

打针输液(injection and intravenous fluids)

静脉采血(blood draw)

外科伤口换药(wound dressing change)


吸痰导尿(aspiration of sputum and urethral catheterization)

鼻饲(nasal feeding)

普查报告(census report)

居家在线服务(home-care online services)

医患纠纷(medical disputes between doctors and patients)

服务提供者的资质(qualifications of providers)


上门服务 door-to-door service

居家护理 home-based health care

医疗纠纷 medical dispute

医保 medical insurance

医事服务费 medical service fee

5. 逃税

tax evasion

通过签订阴阳合同逃税(evade paying tax through only reporting a fraction of one's total income as stated on a payment contract)

文化评论人士(cultural critic)

前央视主持人(former CCTV anchor)

上传了"范冰冰4天片酬合同"的照片(post photos of the contract for a four-day shoot involving Fan)

通过私下签订的合同支付(be paid through separate privately-signed agreements)

逃税(avoid tax payment)

阴阳合同(yin yang contracts)

国家税务总局(the State Administration of Taxation)

从未签过"阴阳合同"(have never signed double contracts)

崔永元怒撕范冰冰(Cui Yongyuan bombarding Fan Bingbing)

冰山一角(a tip of the iceberg)

个案(single case)

普遍存在的演艺界的"潜规则"(broad hidden rule in the film and television industry)

滞纳金(delaying payment)

涉嫌犯罪(be suspected of crimes)

移送公安机关进行进一步调查(be sent to police for further investigation)


增值税 value-added tax

重复征税 duplicated taxation

税制 taxation system

税负 tax burden

税收倒置 tax inversion

零容忍 zero-tolerance






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