Diary of a Wimpy Kid - Day 4

2017-06-06  本文已影响0人  UUfighting

Day 4, Page 35-48    结束部分文字:my political career is officially over.


1. But right when Mrs. Craig was about to let us go, Rowley started blubbering about how he doesn't want rock and roll to ruin his "brains". (P35)

blubber〈非正式〉大声哭泣; 号哭;哭诉; 边哭边说

造句:He started to blubber when he learned the sad news.

2. I put Rodrick's new headphones on and cranked up the volume REALLY high. (P36)

crank up 开动;加快;作好准备

造句:If you crank up the volume to too high, it could sound louder than a factory.

3. Dad marched me up to my room and shut the door behind him, and then he said – LET'S YOU AND ME HAVE A TALK, FRIEND. (P37)

march up 向某个方向前进, 往上方走

造句:He dare not to march up to his Dad and apologize for what he had done to his computer. 

4. The good thing about Dad is that when he gets mad, he cools off real quick, and then it's over. (P38)

cool off 变凉;使…冷静;(销量,价钱等)

造句:Hayden was stressed up and he decided to go on a trip to cool off.

5. I saw the magazine myself, and it honestly wasn't anything to get worked up over. (P41)

Get worked up over something: become angry or annoyed about something

造句:Don't get worked up over your mother. She doesn't mean to make you feel bad.


  • Whenever Dad says "friend" that way, you know you're in trouble. (P38)

  • 仿写:Whenever you ran into a trouble, you stay calm and think thoughtfully.

  • The good news is that I finally figured out how to get some of my games past Rowley's dad. (P43)

  • 仿写:The good point is that you finally figured out how to make good use of your time.


    After all these years, it's almost the first time that I don't feel like going home after work. The empty house would probably drive me crazy if I open the door and walk in. No matter how many times I've told myself for just being tough, I still couldn't help feeling a strong sense of loneliness when I got home, the place we lived for four years with all the laughers and stories.

    He left home for cooling off. I can't say I envy him for being so fearless. I do hope I can escape too. But honestly I have nowhere to go. There is too much that I care or must be responsible for which firmly binds me up here. I don't know how long it takes to get me back to normal but I hope at least I can forge ahead every day, little by little.

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