
2021-02-24  本文已影响0人  一枝黄花菜

Perseus, 又是一位宙斯与凡间女子生的孩子。但与前几天读的大力士Heracles不同,没说招来Hera的嫉妒与不喜,反而得到两位神的眷顾,Athena和Hermes。



On a nearby island, there lived terrible monsters called Gorgons. They were known for their deadly powers. One day, Polydectes told Perseus about them. 

"There are three of them. Each has wings and snakes for hair. They have golden scales that are as hard as armor. Any man who looks at them never breathes again. He turns instantly into stone," Polydectes said. "Medusa is the fiercest of the Gorgons. To tell you the truth," he added to Perseus in a low voice, "I would rather have the head of Medusa than anything else in the world."

讲完这番话的第二天,他就宣布要与Perseus的母亲结婚。Perseus年轻而又骄傲,自觉没有相称的礼物,便在婚礼上信誓旦旦说要去取Medusa的首级来作一份完美的礼物。可是,怎么才能杀死Medusa呢?凡人根本杀不死她。年轻气盛的Perseus, 幸好有两位神的眷顾,Hermes 和Athena. 

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