
2017-04-20  本文已影响0人  阳光小镇少爷

Class-based Views

Django's class-based views are a welcome departure from the old-style views.

Reinout van Rees

REST framework provides anAPIViewclass, which subclasses Django'sViewclass.


APIViewclasses are different from regularViewclasses in the following ways:


Requests passed to the handler methods will be REST framework'sRequestinstances, not Django'sHttpRequestinstances.


Handler methods may return REST framework'sResponse, instead of Django'sHttpResponse. The view will manage content negotiation and setting the correct renderer on the response.


AnyAPIExceptionexceptions will be caught and mediated into appropriate responses.


Incoming requests will be authenticated and appropriate permission and/or throttle checks will be run before dispatching the request to the handler method.


Using theAPIViewclass is pretty much the same as using a regularViewclass, as usual, the incoming request is dispatched to an appropriate handler method such as.get() Additionally, a number of attributes may be set on the class that control various aspects of the API policy.


For example:


View to list all users in the system.

* Requires token authentication.

* Only admin users are able to access this view.


Return a list of all users.


API policy attributes

The following attributes control the pluggable aspects of API views.








API policy instantiation methods

The following methods are used by REST framework to instantiate the various pluggable API policies. You won't typically need to override these methods.








API policy implementation methods

The following methods are called before dispatching to the handler method.


.check_permissions(self, request)

.check_throttles(self, request)

.perform_content_negotiation(self, request, force=False)

Dispatch methods

The following methods are called directly by the view's.dispatch()method. These perform any actions that need to occur before or after calling the handler methods such as.get(),.post(),put(),patch()and.delete().


.initial(self, request, *args, **kwargs)

Performs any actions that need to occur before the handler method gets called. This method is used to enforce permissions and throttling, and perform content negotiation.


You won't typically need to override this method.

.handle_exception(self, exc)

Any exception thrown by the handler method will be passed to this method, which either returns aResponseinstance, or re-raises the exception.


The default implementation handles any subclass ofrest_framework.exceptions.APIException, as well as Django'sHttp404andPermissionDeniedexceptions, and returns an appropriate error response.


If you need to customize the error responses your API returns you should subclass this method.


.initialize_request(self, request, *args, **kwargs)

Ensures that the request object that is passed to the handler method is an instance ofRequest, rather than the usual DjangoHttpRequest.


You won't typically need to override this method.

.finalize_response(self, request, response, *args, **kwargs)

Ensures that anyResponseobject returned from the handler method will be rendered into the correct content type, as determined by the content negotiation.


You won't typically need to override this method.

Function Based Views

Saying [that class-based views] is always the superior solution is a mistake.

Nick Coghlan

REST framework also allows you to work with regular function based views. It provides a set of simple decorators that wrap your function based views to ensure they receive an instance ofRequest(rather than the usual DjangoHttpRequest) and allows them to return aResponse(instead of a DjangoHttpResponse), and allow you to configure how the request is processed.

REST框架允许您使用基于正则函数的视图。它提供了一套简单的装饰,把你的功能观确保他们接受请求的实例(而不是通常的Django HttpRequest)并允许他们返回响应(而不是一个Django HttpResponse),并允许您配置如何处理请求。


Signature:@api_view(http_method_names=['GET'], exclude_from_schema=False)

The core of this functionality is theapi_viewdecorator, which takes a list of HTTP methods that your view should respond to. For example, this is how you would write a very simple view that just manually returns some data:


fromrest_framework.decoratorsimportapi_view@api_view()defhello_world(request):returnResponse({"message":"Hello, world!"})

This view will use the default renderers, parsers, authentication classes etc specified in thesettings.

这种视图将使用默认的renderers, parsers, authentication等类的设置指定

By default onlyGETmethods will be accepted. Other methods will respond with "405 Method Not Allowed". To alter this behaviour, specify which methods the view allows, like so:

这种默认只适用于GET方法,其他方法将返回"405 Method Not Allowed",若要更改此行为,请指定视图允许的方法,例如:

@api_view(['GET','POST'])defhello_world(request):ifrequest.method=='POST':returnResponse({"message":"Got some data!","data"})returnResponse({"message":"Hello, world!"})

You can also mark an API view as being omitted from anyauto-generated schema, using theexclude_from_schemaargument.:



API policy decorators

To override the default settings, REST framework provides a set of additional decorators which can be added to your views. These must comeafter(below) the@api_viewdecorator. For example, to create a view that uses athrottleto ensure it can only be called once per day by a particular user, use the@throttle_classesdecorator, passing a list of throttle classes:


fromrest_framework.decoratorsimportapi_view,throttle_classesfromrest_framework.throttlingimportUserRateThrottleclassOncePerDayUserThrottle(UserRateThrottle):rate='1/day'@api_view(['GET'])@throttle_classes([OncePerDayUserThrottle])defview(request):returnResponse({"message":"Hello for today! See you tomorrow!"})

These decorators correspond to the attributes set onAPIViewsubclasses, described above.

The available decorators are:






Each of these decorators takes a single argument which must be a list or tuple of classes.

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