Vital nodes identification in c

2017-10-29  本文已影响0人  lecea丽

Vital nodes identification in complex networks

作者:Linyuan Lü, Duanbing Chen, Xiao-Long Ren, Qian-Ming Zhang,


The vital nodes identification

1. Introduction

network science

Recently, the focus of network science has been shifting from discovering macroscopic statistical regularities to unfolding mesoscopic structural organization.

the roles of different nodes in the structure and function of a network
may be largely different.

To identify vital nodes is not a trivial task.

Motivation for writing this review :

2. Structural centralities

structural centralities
-->neighborhood-based centralities
-->path-based centralities

The concept centrality was just proposed to answer the question that how to characterize a node’s importance according to the structure .
structural centralities can be obtained based solely on structural information.

A node’s influence is highly correlated to its capacity to impact the behaviors of its surrounding neighbors.

How to compute the degree centrality?

result: the degree centrality, H-index and coreness can be considered as the initial, intermediate and steady states of a sequence driven by an discrete operator

From the viewpoint of information dissemination, the node who has the potential to spread the information faster and vaster is more vital

2.1. Neighborhood-based centralities

2.1.1. Degree centrality

Degree centrality is the simplest index to identify nodes’ influences: the more connections a node has, the greater the influence of the node gets.
$DC(i) =\frac{k^i}{n-1}$
where $ n = |V|$ is the number of nodes in G and $n-1$ is the largest possible degree.

2.1.2. LocalRank

Chen et al. proposed an effective local-information-based algorithm: LocalRank, which fully considers the information contained in the fourth-order neighbors of each node.

LR(i) =\sum_{j\in\Gamma_i}Q(j)
Q(j) =\sum_{k\in\Gamma_j}R(k)

where $\Gamma_i$ is the set of the nearest neighbors of $v_i$ and $R(k)$ is the number of the nearest and the next nearest neighbors of $v_k$.

The computational complexity : $O(n(k)^2)$

2.1.3. ClusterRank

ClusterRank not only considers the number of the nearest neighbors, but also takes into account the interactions among them.

ClusterRank is defined in directed networks,

CR(i) = f(c_i)\sum_{j\in\Gamma_i}(k_j^{out}+1)

where $f (c_i)$ is a function of the clustering coefficient $ c_i $ of the node $v_i$ in the directed network D, which is defined as

c_i = \frac{|{(j\rightarrow k)|j,k\in \Gamma^{out}_i}|}{k^{out}_i(k^{out}_i-1)}

where $k^{out}_i $ is the out-degree of $ v_i$ and $\Gamma^{out}_i $ is the set of the nearest out-neighbors of $v_i$.

other factors:

2.1.4. Coreness

the location of a node is more significant than its immediate neighbors in evaluating its spreading influence. Coreness as a better indicator for a node’s spreading influence, which can be obtained by using the k-core decomposition in networks.

k-core decomposition

Given an undirected simple network G, initially, the coreness $ci $of every isolated node $ v_i (i.e., k_i = 0)$ is defined as $c_i = 0$ and these nodes are removed before the k-core decomposition.

Then in the first step of k-core decomposition, all the nodes with degree k = 1 will be removed. This will cause a reduction of the degree values to the remaining nodes. Continually remove all the nodes whose residual degree k $\leq$ 1, until all the remaining nodes’ residual degrees k > 1. All the removed nodes in the first step of the decomposition form the 1-shell and their coreness ks are all equal to 1.

In the second step, all the remaining nodes whose degrees k = 2 will be removed in the first place. Then iteratively remove all the nodes whose residual degrees k $\leq$2 until all the remaining nodes’ whose residual degrees k > 2. The removed nodes in the second step of the decomposition form the 2-shell and their coreness ks are two.

The decomposition process will continue until all the nodes are removed. At last, the coreness of a node $v_i$ equals its corresponding shell layer.

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