资源整合 10月7日学习记录

2016-10-07  本文已影响20人  玩英语





Veracious Easyvocab

habitually speaking the truth


Innocuous The adjective innocuousis useful when you're talking about something that doesn't offend or injure anyone.Innocuousremarks or comments are meant kindly, andinnocuousgerms won't make you sick. Aninnocuousquestion is innocently curious, rather than aimed to hurt someone's feelings.


Intimate Friend word, new definition.


Brazilian Police shot the civilian
To undermine literally means to dig a hole underneath something, making it likely to collapse. But we more often use the word to describe sabotage or the act of weakening someone else's efforts.


I hate you
Vindicate means to justify, prove, or reinforce an idea — or to absolve from guilt. If your family thinks you hogged the last piece of pie on Thanksgiving, you'll bevindicatedwhen your younger brother fesses up.


aberrant and aberration

Anaberrationis something strange that rarely occurs. An example of anaberrationis when the temperature hits 90 degrees in January — it's nice and warm, but it's really strange.


mortgage vs profligate
Profligate, as a noun or as an adjective, implies recklessly wasting your money on extravagant luxury.Profligatebehavior is a lot of fun, but you'll regret it later — when you get your charge card bill.


laconic style

Laconic is an adjective that describes a style of speaking or writing that uses only a few words, often to express complex thoughts and ideas.  A morelaconicway to write that last sentence might be this:laconicmeans brief.


Amorphous metal

In a scientific senseamorphousmeans lacking a crystalline structure, something without solid form.  In a broader sense, the word describes anything that lacks a distinct shape or organizing theme, be it a work of art, a political movement, or even someone's direction in life.


state or assert, “He maintained his innocence”


Lady gaga meat dress

Are you always challenging the establishment? Or provoking popular thought by attacking traditions and institutions? Then you're definitely aniconoclast.



Use the nouncalumnyto characterize verbal attacks that are meant to destroy reputations or friendships. You've probably seen political ads during election time that rely oncalumnyto move voters.


Acrimonyis bitterness, or ill will.Acrimonyis a spiteful word. It sounds bitter, like acid


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Use the adjectiveauspiciousfor a favorable situation or set of conditions. If you start a marathon by falling flat on your face, that's not an auspicious start.



If your friends want to try sky diving and you'reamenableto the idea, sounds like you're going to be jumping out of a plane. If a person or thing isamenableto something, they are ready, willing, or responsive.



If you can't decide whether to purchase the shirt with orange polka dots or the purple paisley-patterned one, you might seek input from adisinterested, or unbiased, party (who will probably tell you not to buy either one).



Venality is the quality of being open to bribery or overly motivated by money. A government worker'svenalitymight lead him to exchange state secrets for cash.

Criminals are known for their venality, being willing to break the law for a financial reward. This kind of venality can vary from police officers accepting bribes to politicians making decisions and passing laws based on campaign contributions. The Late Latin root word isvenalitatem, "capable of being bought," fromvenum, "for sale."

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